MimeReader properties

The MimeReader type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property ComplianceStatus The ComplianceStatus property indicates which errors were found in the incoming MIME document or that the MIME document is compliant.
Public property ContentType The ContentType property gets the content type of the current part.
Public property EmbeddedDepth The EmbeddedDepth property gets an integer that represents the depth to which the current message is embedded.
Public property HeaderDecodingOptions The HeaderDecodingOptions property gets a DecodingOptions structure that specifies how to decode incoming headers.
Public property HeaderReader The HeaderReader property gets a MimeHeaderReader structure that returns information about the headers in this MimeReader object.
Public property InlineFileName The InlineFileName property gets the name of an inline file attachment.
Public property IsEmbeddedMessage The IsEmbeddedMessage property gets a Boolean value indicates whether the current message is embedded at least one level deep in another message.
Public property IsInline The IsInline property gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the current part is an inline attachment.
Public property IsMultipart The IsMultipart property gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the current MIME part is simple or multipart.
Public property MimeLimits The MimeLimits property gets a MimeLimits object that controls the complexity that this MimeReader object will allow.
Public property PartDepth The PartDepth parameter gets an integer that represents the depth of nesting of the current MIME part.
Public property StreamOffset The StreamOffset parameter gets a value that indicates the number of bytes that this MimeReader object has read from its input stream.


See also


MimeReader class

Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Mime namespace