Microsoft.Dynamics.Commerce.Runtime.Configuration Namespace


This content is archived and is not being updated. For the latest documentation, see Microsoft Dynamics 365 product documentation. For the latest release plans, see Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform release plans.


  Class Description
Public class CacheControlElement Represents configuration values used to control caching behavior.
Public class CommerceRuntimeConfigurationManager Encapsulates functionality for reading the Commerce Runtime configuration.
Public class CommerceRuntimeSection Represents the configuration section for the Commerce Runtime.
Public class CompositionElement Represents a single composition source to be loaded by the runtime.
Public class CompositionElementCollection Represents a collection of CompositionElement classes.
Public class CompositionManager A helper class used to manage composition from a .NET configuration file.
Public class QueryElement Represents configuration values used in conjunction with paging query results.
Public class StorageElement Represents configuration values used in conjunction with storage resolution.


  Interface Description
Public interface ICacheControlElement Represents configuration values used to control caching behavior.
Public interface ICommerceRuntimeSection Represents the configuration section for the Commerce Runtime.
Public interface ICompositionElement Represents a single composition source to be loaded by the runtime.
Public interface IQueryElement Represents configuration values used in conjunction with paging query results.
Public interface IStorageElement Represents configuration values used in conjunction with storage resolution.