IDWDesignerService Interface


Applies To: SQL Server 2016 Preview

Represents a designer service for the data warehouse.

Namespace:   Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Interfaces
Assembly:  Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Interfaces (in Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Interfaces.dll)


public interface IDWDesignerService
public interface class IDWDesignerService
type IDWDesignerService = interface end
Public Interface IDWDesignerService


Name Description
System_CAPS_pubmethod CanPerformOperation(Object, UIntPtr, String, String, String)

Indicates whether this designer can perform an operation.

System_CAPS_pubmethod CloseDesigner(Object, Boolean)

Closes the designer.

System_CAPS_pubmethod OpenDesigner(Object, UIntPtr, DwObjectKind, String, String)

Opens a designer.

System_CAPS_pubmethod OpenDesigner(Object, UIntPtr, DwObjectKind, String, String, Object[])

Opens a designer.

System_CAPS_pubmethod OpenDesigner(Object, UIntPtr, String, String)

Opens a designer.

System_CAPS_pubmethod OpenDesignerEx(Object, UIntPtr, DwObjectKind, String, String, Object[])

Opens a designer.

System_CAPS_pubmethod PerformOperation(Object, UIntPtr, String, String, String)

Performs an operation.

System_CAPS_pubmethod RunWizard(Object, String, String, String)

Executes a wizard from the specified designer.

See Also

Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Interfaces Namespace

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