PointOutputAdapter.Dequeue Method (PointEvent)


Dequeues events from the stream associated with this adapter.

Namespace:   Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.Adapters
Assembly:  Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.Adapters (in Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.Adapters.dll)


public DequeueOperationResult Dequeue(
    out PointEvent eventInstance
virtual DequeueOperationResult Dequeue(
    [OutAttribute] PointEvent^% eventInstance
) sealed
abstract Dequeue : 
        eventInstance:PointEvent byref -> DequeueOperationResult
override Dequeue : 
        eventInstance:PointEvent byref -> DequeueOperationResult
Public Function Dequeue (
    <OutAttribute> ByRef eventInstance As PointEvent
) As DequeueOperationResult


Return Value

Type: Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.Adapters.DequeueOperationResult

DequeueOperationResult.Success if the operation succeeded.

DequeueOperationResult.Empty if the operation did not succeed and the adapter needs to wait with further Dequeue calls. After this the adapter can be resumed at any moment by the runtime adapter had been stopped.



See Also

PointOutputAdapter Class
Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.Adapters Namespace

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