Microsoft.CommerceServer.Marketing Namespace

Microsoft Commerce Server Marketing System allows users on the site to see ads and apply discounts by using coupons. The Management system allows business managers to create and manage campaign items like discounts, Ads and Direct Mails that are used as marketing tools to increase sales.

The goal for the Commerce Server Marketing system is to ship a highly performance, scalable, easy to use, secure and well documented system which should meet the requirements of any enterprise system.

The Marketing System helps the enterprise effectively communicate relevant messages to the shopper in order to improve sales (directly or indirectly). It is a rich and effective channel to communicate with customers.

It includes several tools to Target the customer, including:

  • Discounts – E.g. Buy C, Get D at 20% off

  • Awareness advertisement – E.g. Showcase the newly introduced Product B in the homepage

  • Suggestive selling – E.g. If the shopping cart contains Product A, show banner ad BA

  • Direct Mail – E.g. send the company newsletter to all active customers every month.


  Class Description
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif Advertisement Defines a single advertisement within a campaign.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif AlwaysTrueExpressionRef Associates a pseudo-expression that always evaluates to true with a campaign item.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif AsynchronousUploadFailedEventArgs Provides data for the AsynchronousUploadFailed event.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif BatchInfo Describes a batch of promotion codes during or after generation of an import and export operation.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif Campaign Defines a Campaign object.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif CampaignEventType Describes an Event Type in the Marketing System.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif CampaignItem Represents the base class for all campaign item types. Provides the base functionality shared by all campaign items.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif CampaignItemManager Manages storage and retrieval of a CampaignItem object.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif CampaignManager Manages storage and retrieval of the Campaign object.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif Customer Defines a Customer object.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif CustomerManager Manages storage and retrieval of Customer objects.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif DataManager This class is used for purging old items that have been marked as deleted in the Marketing database.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif DateRangeValidationException The exception that is thrown when the date range properties of an entity is invalid.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif DateValidationException The exception that is thrown when a datetime value is out of range of the expected values.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif DirectMail Defines a direct mail campaign item.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif DirectMailRecurrence Specifies a possible schedule of DirectMail.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif DirectMailSchedulingException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs while setting up a Task Scheduler Entry for a direct mail using the Commerce Server Direct Mailer Service.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif Discount Defines a single discount within a campaign.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif DiscountCondition Represents a catalog condition that must be true for a discount to apply.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif DiscountPrioritizationException The exception that is thrown when a failure occurs during prioritization of a Discount object.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif DiscountPrioritySet The strongly typed DataSet that is used to perform bulk prioritization of Discount entities in the marketing system.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif DiscountPrioritySet..::.DiscountPrioritiesDataTable The strongly typed DataTable that provides access to the "DiscountPriority" table of a DiscountPrioritySet.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif DiscountPrioritySet..::.DiscountPriority The strongly typed DataRow that provides access to the rows of a DiscountPrioritySet.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif DiscountPrioritySet..::.DiscountPriorityChangeEvent Provides data for the OnRowChanged, OnRowChanging, OnRowDeleted, and OnRowDeleting methods.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif DisplayableCampaignItem Represents the base class for campaign item types that may have some display associated with them.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif DisplayProperty Describes a substitution Property of a DisplayTemplate.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif DisplayPropertyCollection Describes a collection of DisplayProperty objects. This class cannot be inherited.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif DisplayPropertyValue Describes a value assigned to a DisplayProperty.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif DisplayPropertyValueCollection Describes a collection of DisplayPropertyValue objects. This class cannot be inherited.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif DisplaySize Defines a DisplaySize object.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif DisplaySizeManager Manages DisplaySize related operations.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif DisplayTemplate Represents a template that describes how a campaign item should be displayed.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif DisplayTemplateManager Manages DisplayTemplate related operations.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif DuplicateEntityIdException The exception that is thrown when an insert is attempted for an entity, and an entity with that Id already exists in the database.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif DuplicateEntityNameException The exception that is thrown when an insert is attempted for an entity, and an entity with that name already exists within the appropriate scope.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif DuplicateMailingListUserException The exception that is thrown when a name collision with an existing MailingListUser is encountered.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif DuplicatePromoCodeException The exception that is thrown when a user is trying to save a PromoCodeDefintion with a duplicate PublicPromoCode.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif EntityHasChildrenException The exception that is thrown when an operation fails because the entity contains children objects.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif EntityReferencedException The exception that is thrown when a delete operation fails because some other entities depend on the current entity.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif EntityStateException The exception that is thrown when an operation fails due to the current state of an entity.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif EnumeratedValueValidationException The exception that is thrown when a property contains a value that cannot be converted to a specified enumeration type.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif Expression Defines an Expression object.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif ExpressionCategorySet The strongly typed DataSet that is used to access expression categories in the marketing system.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif ExpressionCategorySet..::.ExpressionCategoriesDataTable The strongly typed DataTable that provides access to the "ExpressionCategory" table of a ExpressionCategorySet.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif ExpressionCategorySet..::.ExpressionCategoryRow The strongly typed DataRow that provides access to the rows of a ExpressionCategorySet.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif ExpressionCategorySet..::.ExpressionCategoryRowChangeEvent Provides data for the OnRowChanged, OnRowChanging, OnRowDeleted, , and OnRowDeleting event handlers for a ExpressionCategorySet.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif ExpressionList ExpressionList is a dynamic list created through the evaluation of an expression.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif ExpressionManager Manages Expression related operations.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif ExpressionRef Associates Expression objects with CampaignItem objects.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif ExpressionRefCollection Represents a collection of Expression references.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif ExpressionTarget The ExpressionTarget class contains a set of expression/action pairs that can be used to select a single content item (an Ad for example) for display when several items fit the criteria.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif ExpressionTargetCollection Contains a set of ExpressionTarget objects.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif ExpressionToProfilesWhereClauseConverter Helper class to convert Expressions into a 'WHERE' clause that is supported by the OLE DB Provider for Commerce Server.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif ExpressionValidationException The exception that is thrown when an expression does not pass simple validations.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif GlobalExpressionRef Associates a global expression with a campaign item.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif ImportFileFormatException The exception that is thrown when the format of an imported coupon file is invalid.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif ImportInProgressException The exception that is thrown when a user tries to start another import/generation when they already have such operation in progress for this definition.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif IndustryCode Represents a code for one of the industries, like Aviation or Food.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif IndustryCodeManager Manages IndustryCode related operations.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif IntegerValueValidationException The exception that is thrown when a property is expected to contain an integer value but does not.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif LanguageString Describes a String value which is defined for a particular Language.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif LanguageStringCollection Contains a collection of LanguageString objects. This class cannot be inherited.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif LanguageStringData Describes a String value which is defined for a particular Language.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif LocalExpressionRef Associates a local Expression object with a campaign item.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif MailingList Mailing lists are used by Direct Mailer to send pieces of mail to selected recipients in a list.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif MailingListError Describes an error that occurred during the list operation.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif MailingListManager Manages MailingList related operations.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif MailingListOperation MailingListOperation class describes a long-running list operation, such as Import, Export, Append, Subtract, etc.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif MailingListUser A MailingList entry describing a user who is on this mailing list.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif MarketingContext Contains the top level object used to interact with the Marketing System APIs.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif MarketingSearchClauseFactory Factory class used to create SearchClause objects which are used to execute searches against the marketing system.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif MarketingServiceAgent A ServiceAgent object used to run against the Marketing Web Service.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif MarketingServices Acts as the base class for all of the objects in the Marketing System API. Custom extensions of the Marketing System API should derive from this type.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif PageGroup The PageGroup class defines a set of pages on which a DisplayableCampaignItem can be displayed.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif PageGroupCollection Contains a collection of PageGroup objects. This class cannot be inherited.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif PageGroupManager Manages PageGroup related operations.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif ParentEntityDeletedException The exception that is thrown when an operation failed because the parent entity has been deleted.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif ParentEntityDoesNotExistException The exception that is thrown when an operation failed because the parent entity does not exist.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif ProfileDefinitionReader Retrieves the details for profile definitions and site terms.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif ProgressEventArgs Provides data for the PromoCodeDefinitionManager..::.ProgressEventHandler event.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif PromoCodeDefinition Contains the definition of a promotion code or set of promotion codes.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif PromoCodeDefinitionManager Manages storage and retrieval of PromoCodeDefinition objects. This class cannot be inherited.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif PromoCodeGenerationErrorCollection Class that represents a set of promotion code generation errors.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif PromoCodeGeneratorException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs sending messages to the Promo Code Generator Service.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif PromoCodeOperationStatus Represents the current status of a promotion code import, export, or generation task.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif PromoCodeUsageValidationException The exception that is thrown when the setting of the public code is not consistent with the PromoCodeUsageOption of the PromoCodeDefinition.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif RandomGenerationParameters Class that specifies the parameters to a promotion code generation batch that uses the GenerateRandomCodes method.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif SearchPageNumberException The exception that is thrown when a paged search is executed and no records are contained in the requested page.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif StaticList StaticList is a list with no expressions or other dynamics associated with it.
ms965163.pubclass(en-US,CS.90).gif TooManyCodesRequestedException The exception that is thrown when an attempt is made to generate a number of codes that is greater than the maximum allowed, or could not be physically generated given the generation parameters.


  Structure Description
ms965163.pubstructure(en-US,CS.90).gif PromoCodeGenerationError Represents an error that might happen during a promotion code import or generation.


  Delegate Description
ms965163.pubdelegate(en-US,CS.90).gif AsynchronousUploadFailedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the AsynchronousUploadFailed event.
ms965163.pubdelegate(en-US,CS.90).gif DiscountPrioritySet..::.DiscountPriorityChangeEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the DiscountPrioritySet..::.DiscountPriorityChangeEvent event of a DiscountPrioritySet.
ms965163.pubdelegate(en-US,CS.90).gif ExpressionCategorySet..::.ExpressionCategoryRowChangeEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ExpressionCategorySet..::.ExpressionCategoryRowChangeEvent events of a ExpressionCategorySet.
ms965163.pubdelegate(en-US,CS.90).gif PromoCodeDefinitionManager..::.ProgressEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the Progress event of a ExportPromoCodesForDefinition operation.


  Enumeration Description
ms965163.pubenumeration(en-US,CS.90).gif AdvertisementType Specifies different types of Advertisement.
ms965163.pubenumeration(en-US,CS.90).gif ApprovalStatus Enumeration is not used in Microsoft.CommerceServer.
ms965163.pubenumeration(en-US,CS.90).gif CampaignItemType Specifies the type of campaign item.
ms965163.pubenumeration(en-US,CS.90).gif ConditionBasis Specifies what the basis for a discount condition will be.
ms965163.pubenumeration(en-US,CS.90).gif CurrentEntityState Specifies the current state of an entity when an EntityStateException is thrown.
ms965163.pubenumeration(en-US,CS.90).gif CustomerType Specifies the type of customer: Advertiser, Agency or Self.
ms965163.pubenumeration(en-US,CS.90).gif DirectMailRecurrenceType Specifies possible types of DirectMail schedule.
ms965163.pubenumeration(en-US,CS.90).gif DiscountType Specifies how a Discount is applied.
ms965163.pubenumeration(en-US,CS.90).gif DisplayPropertyType Specifies the type of display property.
ms965163.pubenumeration(en-US,CS.90).gif GenerationErrorCode Specifies possible states of a promocode generation operation.
ms965163.pubenumeration(en-US,CS.90).gif ListOperationStatusCode Specifies possible states of a MailingList operation.
ms965163.pubenumeration(en-US,CS.90).gif ListOperationType Specifies possible types of a MailingList operation.
ms965163.pubenumeration(en-US,CS.90).gif MailingListErrorCode Specifies possible errors of a Mailing List operation.
ms965163.pubenumeration(en-US,CS.90).gif MailingListStatusCode Specifies possible status codes of a Mailing List.
ms965163.pubenumeration(en-US,CS.90).gif MessageFormat Specifies possible formats of a DirectMail message.
ms965163.pubenumeration(en-US,CS.90).gif OfferType Specifies the way that a price discount is awarded.
ms965163.pubenumeration(en-US,CS.90).gif PrioritizeOption Specifies how prioritization of a discount should be performed, relative to existing discounts.
ms965163.pubenumeration(en-US,CS.90).gif PromoCodeGenerationErrorCode Specifies possible promotion code import error codes.
ms965163.pubenumeration(en-US,CS.90).gif PromoCodeGenerationMethod Specifies the different methods supported for promotion code generation.
ms965163.pubenumeration(en-US,CS.90).gif PromoCodeOperationStatusCode Describes the status of a current or completed promotion code generation task.
ms965163.pubenumeration(en-US,CS.90).gif PromoCodePurgeOption Specifies a purging criteria for promotion codes.
ms965163.pubenumeration(en-US,CS.90).gif PromoCodeUsageOption Specifies the type of a promotion code definition.
ms965163.pubenumeration(en-US,CS.90).gif RecurrenceDays Specifies the Day of Week flags that are used to setup a schedule.
ms965163.pubenumeration(en-US,CS.90).gif RecurrenceMonths Specifies the Month flags that are used to setup a schedule.
ms965163.pubenumeration(en-US,CS.90).gif RecurrenceWeek Specifies one week of a month that is used to setup a schedule.
ms965163.pubenumeration(en-US,CS.90).gif TargetAction Specifies the action of an ExpressionTarget.
ms965163.pubenumeration(en-US,CS.90).gif TemplatePropertySource Specifies where the value of the template property comes from during substitution.
ms965163.pubenumeration(en-US,CS.90).gif UrlEncodingType Contains the options for encoding a URL.