TrustInfo Properties

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

The TrustInfo type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property HasUnmanagedCodePermission Determines whether the application has permission to call unmanaged code.MSBuild is now included in Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework. You can use MSBuild 12.0 side-by-side with versions previously deployed with the .NET Framework.For more information, see What's New in MSBuild 12.0.
Public property IsFullTrust Determines whether the application is full trust or partial trust.MSBuild is now included in Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework. You can use MSBuild 12.0 side-by-side with versions previously deployed with the .NET Framework.For more information, see What's New in MSBuild 12.0.
Public property PermissionSet Gets or sets the permission set object for the application trust.MSBuild is now included in Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework. You can use MSBuild 12.0 side-by-side with versions previously deployed with the .NET Framework.For more information, see What's New in MSBuild 12.0.
Public property PreserveFullTrustPermissionSet Gets or sets whether to preserve partial trust permission when the full trust flag is set.MSBuild is now included in Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework. You can use MSBuild 12.0 side-by-side with versions previously deployed with the .NET Framework.For more information, see What's New in MSBuild 12.0.
Public property SameSiteAccess Gets or sets the level of same site access permitted, specifying whether the application has permission to communicate with the server from which it was deployed.MSBuild is now included in Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework. You can use MSBuild 12.0 side-by-side with versions previously deployed with the .NET Framework.For more information, see What's New in MSBuild 12.0.


See Also


TrustInfo Class

Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities Namespace