AssignProjectConfiguration Properties

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This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

The AssignProjectConfiguration type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AddSyntheticProjectReferencesForSolutionDependencies Gets or sets a flag determining whether to use the solution dependency information passed in the solution blob to add synthetic project references for the purposes of build ordering.MSBuild is now included in Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework. You can use MSBuild 12.0 side-by-side with versions previously deployed with the .NET Framework.For more information, see What's New in MSBuild 12.0.
Public property AssignedProjects Infrastructure. Gets or sets the list of resolved project reference paths while preserving the original project reference attributes.MSBuild is now included in Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework. You can use MSBuild 12.0 side-by-side with versions previously deployed with the .NET Framework.For more information, see What's New in MSBuild 12.0.
Public property BuildEngine Gets or sets the instance of the IBuildEngine object used by the task.MSBuild is now included in Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework. You can use MSBuild 12.0 side-by-side with versions previously deployed with the .NET Framework.For more information, see What's New in MSBuild 12.0. (Inherited from Task.)
Public property BuildEngine2 Gets the instance of the IBuildEngine2 object used by the task.MSBuild is now included in Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework. You can use MSBuild 12.0 side-by-side with versions previously deployed with the .NET Framework.For more information, see What's New in MSBuild 12.0. (Inherited from Task.)
Public property BuildEngine3 Gets the instance of the IBuildEngine3 object used by the task.MSBuild is now included in Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework. You can use MSBuild 12.0 side-by-side with versions previously deployed with the .NET Framework.For more information, see What's New in MSBuild 12.0. (Inherited from Task.)
Public property BuildEngine4 Gets the instance of the IBuildEngine4 object used by the task.MSBuild is now included in Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework. You can use MSBuild 12.0 side-by-side with versions previously deployed with the .NET Framework.For more information, see What's New in MSBuild 12.0. (Inherited from Task.)
Public property CurrentProject Gets or sets the project’s full path.MSBuild is now included in Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework. You can use MSBuild 12.0 side-by-side with versions previously deployed with the .NET Framework.For more information, see What's New in MSBuild 12.0.
Public property CurrentProjectConfiguration Gets or sets the current project's configuration.MSBuild is now included in Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework. You can use MSBuild 12.0 side-by-side with versions previously deployed with the .NET Framework.For more information, see What's New in MSBuild 12.0.
Public property CurrentProjectPlatform Gets or sets the current project's platform.MSBuild is now included in Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework. You can use MSBuild 12.0 side-by-side with versions previously deployed with the .NET Framework.For more information, see What's New in MSBuild 12.0.
Public property DefaultToVcxPlatformMapping Gets or sets a semicolon-delimited list of mappings from the platform names used by most VS types to those used by .vcxprojs.MSBuild is now included in Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework. You can use MSBuild 12.0 side-by-side with versions previously deployed with the .NET Framework.For more information, see What's New in MSBuild 12.0.
Protected property HelpKeywordPrefix Gets or sets the prefix used to compose Help keywords from resource names.MSBuild is now included in Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework. You can use MSBuild 12.0 side-by-side with versions previously deployed with the .NET Framework.For more information, see What's New in MSBuild 12.0. (Inherited from Task.)
Public property HostObject Gets or sets the host object associated with the task.MSBuild is now included in Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework. You can use MSBuild 12.0 side-by-side with versions previously deployed with the .NET Framework.For more information, see What's New in MSBuild 12.0. (Inherited from Task.)
Public property Log Infrastructure. Gets an instance of a TaskLoggingHelperExtension containing task logging methods.MSBuild is now included in Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework. You can use MSBuild 12.0 side-by-side with versions previously deployed with the .NET Framework.For more information, see What's New in MSBuild 12.0. (Inherited from TaskExtension.)
Public property OnlyReferenceAndBuildProjectsEnabledInSolutionConfiguration Specifies whether references should be built, even if they were disabled in the project configuration.MSBuild is now included in Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework. You can use MSBuild 12.0 side-by-side with versions previously deployed with the .NET Framework.For more information, see What's New in MSBuild 12.0.
Public property OutputType Gets or sets the output type for the project.MSBuild is now included in Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework. You can use MSBuild 12.0 side-by-side with versions previously deployed with the .NET Framework.For more information, see What's New in MSBuild 12.0.
Public property ProjectReferences Infrastructure. Gets or sets the project references.MSBuild is now included in Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework. You can use MSBuild 12.0 side-by-side with versions previously deployed with the .NET Framework.For more information, see What's New in MSBuild 12.0. (Inherited from ResolveProjectBase.)
Public property ResolveConfigurationPlatformUsingMappings Gets or sets a switch that specifies whether default mappings should be used to resolve the configuration/platform of the passed in project references.MSBuild is now included in Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework. You can use MSBuild 12.0 side-by-side with versions previously deployed with the .NET Framework.For more information, see What's New in MSBuild 12.0.
Public property ShouldUnsetParentConfigurationAndPlatform Gets or sets a switch that determines whether to set the GlobalPropertiesToRemove metadata on the project reference such that on an MSBuild call, the Configuration and Platform metadata will be unset, allowing the child project to build in its default configuration / platform.MSBuild is now included in Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework. You can use MSBuild 12.0 side-by-side with versions previously deployed with the .NET Framework.For more information, see What's New in MSBuild 12.0.
Public property SolutionConfigurationContents Infrastructure. Gets or sets an XML string that contains the project configuration.MSBuild is now included in Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework. You can use MSBuild 12.0 side-by-side with versions previously deployed with the .NET Framework.For more information, see What's New in MSBuild 12.0.
Protected property TaskResources Gets or sets the culture-specific resources associated with the task.MSBuild is now included in Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework. You can use MSBuild 12.0 side-by-side with versions previously deployed with the .NET Framework.For more information, see What's New in MSBuild 12.0. (Inherited from Task.)
Public property UnassignedProjects Infrastructure. Gets or sets the list of project reference items that could not be resolved using the pre-resolved list of outputs.MSBuild is now included in Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework. You can use MSBuild 12.0 side-by-side with versions previously deployed with the .NET Framework.For more information, see What's New in MSBuild 12.0.
Public property VcxToDefaultPlatformMapping Gets or sets a semicolon-delimited list of mappings from .vcxproj platform names to the platform names use by most other VS project types.MSBuild is now included in Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework. You can use MSBuild 12.0 side-by-side with versions previously deployed with the .NET Framework.For more information, see What's New in MSBuild 12.0.


See Also


AssignProjectConfiguration Class

Microsoft.Build.Tasks Namespace