SelectedItems.SelectionContainer Property

Gets a SelectionContainer object that represents the designer hosting the selected item(s).

Namespace:  EnvDTE
Assembly:  EnvDTE (in EnvDTE.dll)


ReadOnly Property SelectionContainer As SelectionContainer
SelectionContainer SelectionContainer { get; }
property SelectionContainer^ SelectionContainer {
    SelectionContainer^ get ();
abstract SelectionContainer : SelectionContainer
function get SelectionContainer () : SelectionContainer

Property Value

Type: EnvDTE.SelectionContainer
A SelectionContainer object.


SelectionContainer returns a collection of objects at a finer granularity than Project or ProjectItem.


Sub SelectionContainerExample()
   Dim SelContain As SelectionContainer
   Dim ContainerItem As SelectedItem

   ' Set references to the selection container and its selected item.
   SelContain = DTE.SelectedItems.SelectionContainer
   ContainerItem = DTE.SelectedItems.Item(1)

   ' Print the name of the container of the selected item.
End Sub

.NET Framework Security

See Also


SelectedItems Interface

EnvDTE Namespace