(IND) Copy a product group in the SION


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Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

You can assign a product group to your organization’s Standard Input Output Norms (SION) by copying from an existing SION product group.

  1. Click Inventory management > Setup > EXIM > SION.

  2. In the SION form, on the Overview FastTab, select a product group to copy from, and then click Copy.

  3. In the Copy product group form, in the To product group field, select the product group to copy to.

  4. In the Start date/time field, enter the starting date and time from which the product group is valid for the SION.

  5. In the End date/time field, enter the ending date and time for which the product group is valid for the SION.

See also

(IND) Copy product group (form)

(IND) Set up the SION

(IND) Set up the SION items

(IND) SION (form)