2.1.530 Part 1 Section 19.185, draw:handle-range-y-minimum

a.   The standard defines the attribute draw:handle-range-y-minimum, contained within the element <draw:handle>

This attribute is supported in Word 2013, Word 2016, and Word 2019.

If the formula that specifies this value contains a reference to the current value of the handle (either directly or by referencing another formula), a circular reference is created, and the range is lost. This may allow the user to move the adjustment handle outside of the specified range.

b.   The standard defines the attribute draw:handle-range-y-minimum, contained within the element <draw:handle>

This attribute is supported in Excel 2013, Excel 2016, and Excel 2019.

If the formula that specifies this value contains a reference to the current value of the handle (either directly or by referencing another formula), a circular reference is created, and the range is lost. This may allow the user to move the adjustment handle outside of the specified range.

c.   The standard defines the attribute draw:handle-range-y-minimum, contained within the element <draw:handle>

This attribute is supported in PowerPoint 2013, PowerPoint 2016, and PowerPoint 2019.

If the formula that specifies this value contains a reference to the current value of the handle (either directly or by referencing another formula), a circular reference is created, and the range is lost. This may allow the user to move the adjustment handle outside of the specified range.