
This operation can be used to insert the zone health status reset event for zones hosted on dns servers.

 <wsdl:operation name="ResetZoneHealth">
   <wsdl:input wsaw:Action="http://Microsoft.Windows.Ipam/IIpamServer/ResetZoneHealth" message="ipam:IIpamServer_ResetZoneHealth_InputMessage" />
   <wsdl:output wsaw:Action="http://Microsoft.Windows.Ipam/IIpamServer/ResetZoneHealthResponse" message="ipam:IIpamServer_ResetZoneHealth_OutputMessage" />

Upon receiving the IIpamServer_ResetZoneHealth_InputMessage request message, the server performs the following processing steps. Upon successful completion of the following steps, the server MUST respond with the IIpamServer_ResetZoneHealth_OutputMessage message. In the event of a failure, an appropriate SOAP fault MUST be sent to the client as specified in section

  1. If neither ResetZoneHealth.zoneId nor ResetZoneHealth.dnsServerId is greater than 0, an appropriate SOAP fault MUST be generated.

  2. Initialize serverZoneRecordIds to be a list of 64-bit signed integers to hold the RecordId of rows in ADM_DNSServerForwardLookupZoneTable for which the zone health reset event has to be added.

  3. If the ResetZoneHealth.zoneId value is greater than 0 and the ResetZoneHealth.dnsServerId value is lesser than or equal to 0,

    1. Enumerate the rows in ADM_DNSServerForwardLookupZoneTable whose DnsZoneId is equal to ResetZoneHealth.zoneId.

    2. For each row enumerated in the above step, add the RecordId to serverZoneRecordIds.

  4. If ResetZoneHealth.dnsServerId value is greater than 0 and ResetZoneHealth.zoneId is lesser than or equal to 0,

    1. Enumerate the rows in ADM_DNSServerForwardLookupZoneTable whose ServerRecordId is equal to ResetZoneHealth.dnsServerId.

    2. For each row enumerated in the above step, add the RecordId to serverZoneRecordIds.

  5. If both ResetZoneHealth.dnsServerId value and ResetZoneHealth.zoneId are greater than 0,

    1. Lookup the ADM_DNSServerForwardLookupZoneTable for the row whose ServerRecordId is equal to ResetZoneHealth.dnsServerId and DnsZoneId is equal to ResetZoneHealth.zoneId.

    2. Add the RecordId of the row meeting the criteria above to serverZoneRecordIds.

  6. For each record identifier recordId present in serverZoneRecordIds,

    1. Insert a row in the ADM_DnsZoneEventsTable with the following values.

      1. ServerZoneId is set to the recordId for which the zone health reset event is to be inserted.

      2. EventId is set to 0.

      3. LoggedEventLevel is set to Informational.

      4. TaskCategory is set to 0.

      5. LoggedOn is set to the current time in UTC.