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Adding Exception Reporting to a .NET Application


PreEmptive Analytics for TFS User Guide
Adding Exception Reporting to a .NET Application

Glossary Item Box

Applications must be instrumented with exception reporting code in order to send exception reports to your PreEmptive Analytics endpoint. Adding exception reporting code to compiled .NET applications is easy using either PreEmptive Dotfuscator Professional or PreEmptive Dotfuscator and Analytics, a free tool included in Microsoft Visual Studio.

The Getting Started guide included with PreEmptive Dotfuscator Professional or PreEmptive Dotfuscator and Analytics includes a Walkthrough section which will describe how you can easily add exception reporting code to your .NET assembly. For a full description of the exception reporting instrumentation capabilities of PreEmptive Dotfuscator and Analytics, please see the Exception Reporting section of the Getting Started guide.


  • Visual Studio with PreEmptive Dotfuscator and Analytics OR PreEmptive Dotfuscator Professional installed.
  • PreEmptive Analytics endpoint services deployed.
  • PreEmptive Analytics aggregator service deployed.



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