timed_mutex Class

Represents a timed mutex type. Objects of this type are used to enforce mutual exclusion through time-limited blocking within a program.


class timed_mutex;


Public Constructors

Name Description
timed_mutex Constructs a timed_mutex object that's not locked.
timed_mutex::~timed_mutex Destructor Releases any resources that are used by the timed_mutex object.

Public Methods

Name Description
lock Blocks the calling thread until the thread obtains ownership of the mutex.
try_lock Attempts to obtain ownership of the mutex without blocking.
try_lock_for Attempts to obtain ownership of the mutex for a specified time interval.
try_lock_until Attempts to obtain ownership of the mutex until a specified time.
unlock Releases ownership of the mutex.


Header: <mutex>

Namespace: std


Blocks the calling thread until the thread obtains ownership of the mutex.

void lock();


If the calling thread already owns the mutex, the behavior is undefined.

timed_mutex::timed_mutex Constructor

Constructs a timed_mutex object that is not locked.


timed_mutex::~timed_mutex Destructor

Releases any resources that are used by the mutex object.



If the object is locked when the destructor runs, the behavior is undefined.


Attempts to obtain ownership of the mutex without blocking.

bool try_lock();

Return Value

true if the method successfully obtains ownership of the mutex; otherwise, false.


If the calling thread already owns the mutex, the behavior is undefined.


Attempts to obtain ownership of the mutex without blocking.

template <class Rep, class Period>
bool try_lock_for(const chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& Rel_time);


A chrono::duration object that specifies the maximum amount of time that the method attempts to obtain ownership of the mutex.

Return Value

true if the method successfully obtains ownership of the mutex; otherwise, false.


If the calling thread already owns the mutex, the behavior is undefined.


Attempts to obtain ownership of the mutex without blocking.

template <class Clock, class Duration>
bool try_lock_for(const chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>& Abs_time);

bool try_lock_until(const xtime* Abs_time);


A point in time that specifies the threshold after which the method no longer attempts to obtain ownership of the mutex.

Return Value

true if the method successfully obtains ownership of the mutex; otherwise, false.


If the calling thread already owns the mutex, the behavior is undefined.


Releases ownership of the mutex.

void unlock();


If the calling thread does not own the mutex, the behavior is undefined.

See also

Header Files Reference