
This operation can be used to query the last completion status of a specific task.

 <wsdl:operation name="TaskLastRunResult">
   <wsdl:input wsaw:Action="http://Microsoft.Windows.Ipam/IIpamServer/TaskLastRunResult" message="ipam:IIpamServer_TaskLastRunResult_InputMessage" />
   <wsdl:output wsaw:Action="http://Microsoft.Windows.Ipam/IIpamServer/TaskLastRunResultResponse" message="ipam:IIpamServer_TaskLastRunResult_OutputMessage" />

Upon receiving the IIpamServer_TaskLastRunResult_InputMessage request message, the server performs the following processing steps. Upon successful completion of the steps specified below, the server MUST respond with the IIpamServer_TaskLastRunResult_OutputMessage message. In the event of a failure, an appropriate SOAP fault MUST be sent to the client as specified in section

  1. Validate TaskLastRunResult.taskType is valid and not IpamTaskType.None. Otherwise an appropriate SOAP fault MUST be generated.

  2. Enumerate the row in ADM_Tasks whose TaskType value is specified as TaskLastRunResult.taskType.

  3. If an entry is not found, an appropriate SOAP fault MUST be returned.

  4. If an entry is found, assign Status of the task entry to TaskLastRunResultResponse.TaskLastRunResultResult.