tabIndex property

[This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.]

Sets or retrieves the index that defines the tab order for the object.


HRESULT value = object.put_tabIndex(short v);HRESULT value = object.get_tabIndex(short* p);

Property values

Type: short

the tab index.




The IHTMLControlElement::tabIndex value determines the tab order as follows:

  1. Objects with a positive IHTMLControlElement::tabIndex are selected in increasing tab index order and in source order to resolve duplicates.
  2. Objects with an IHTMLControlElement::tabIndex of zero are selected in source order.
  3. Objects with a negative IHTMLControlElement::tabIndex are omitted from the tabbing order.

An element can have focus if the IHTMLControlElement::tabIndex property is set to any valid negative or positive integer.

The following elements can have focus and are tab stops by default: a, BODY, button, frame, iframe, img, input, isIndex, object, select, textArea.

The following elements can have focus by default but are not tab stops. These elements can be set as tab stops by setting the IHTMLControlElement::tabIndex property to a positive integer. applet, div, frameSet, span, table, td.

Setting the tHead and tFoot elements to participate in the tab order will not cause the focus rectangle to display when either receives focus.

Elements can become part of the accessibility hierarchy if the IHTMLControlElement::tabIndex attribute is set as follows:

  • For Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 and later, set the IHTMLControlElement::tabIndex attribute to any value.
  • For Microsoft Internet Explorer 5, set the IHTMLControlElement::tabIndex attribute to a positive value.

For Internet Explorer 5.01 or above, the attribute may be set to any value in the valid range of -32767 to 32767.

Content of elements with a closing tag can have focus by default, but are not tab stops. As of Internet Explorer 5, you can set the IHTMLControlElement::tabIndex property to a valid positive integer to force the content to have a tab stop.

Elements that receive focus can fire the HTMLFrameSiteEvents::onblur and HTMLFrameSiteEvents::onfocus events as of Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0, and the HTMLFrameSiteEvents::onkeydown, HTMLFrameSiteEvents::onkeypress, and HTMLFrameSiteEvents::onkeyup events as of Internet Explorer 5.



Build date: 6/12/2012