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IInstallCallback Interface


Enables the plug-in to report progress and results from the installation tasks.

Namespace:   Microsoft.ClusterAwareUpdating
Assembly:  ClusterAwareUpdating (in ClusterAwareUpdating.dll)


public interface IInstallCallback : ICauPluginCallbackBase
public interface class IInstallCallback : ICauPluginCallbackBase
type IInstallCallback = 
        interface ICauPluginCallbackBase
Public Interface IInstallCallback
    Inherits ICauPluginCallbackBase


Name Description
System_CAPS_pubmethod ReportInstallResult(UpdateInstallResult)

Callback method used by the plug-in to report the result of installing an update.

System_CAPS_pubmethod WriteDebug(String)

Reports a message to the debug stream.(Inherited from ICauPluginCallbackBase.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod WriteDebug(String, Object[])

Reports a message to the debug stream.(Inherited from ICauPluginCallbackBase.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod WriteError(ErrorRecord)

Callback method for reporting errors that the plug-in encountered while running.(Inherited from ICauPluginCallbackBase.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod WriteProgress(ProgressRecord)

Reports progress during the current operation by the plug-in.(Inherited from ICauPluginCallbackBase.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod WriteVerbose(String)

Callback method used by the plug-in to report verbose messages (without string formatting).(Inherited from ICauPluginCallbackBase.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod WriteVerbose(String, Object[])

Callback method used by the plug-in to report verbose messages (with string formatting allowed).(Inherited from ICauPluginCallbackBase.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod WriteWarning(String)

Callback method used by the plug-in to report warning messages (without string formatting).(Inherited from ICauPluginCallbackBase.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod WriteWarning(String, Object[])

Callback method used by the plug-in to report warning messages (with string formatting allowed).(Inherited from ICauPluginCallbackBase.)


This interface is implemented by CAU; plug-in developers do not need to implement it. However, plug-in developers must ensure that the progress updates on this operation not indicate a percentage completion that is less than 0 percent or more than 100 percent.

See Also

Microsoft.ClusterAwareUpdating Namespace

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