loop property

[This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.]

Sets or retrieves the number of times a marquee will play.


HRESULT value = object.put_loop( v);HRESULT value = object.get_loop(* p);

Property values

Type: long

0, -1

Loops infinitely.


Number of times to loop.

Value Condition



In each of the following boundary cases, the marquee loops infinitely.

<MARQUEE SCROLLAMOUNT=30 LOOP>This is some scrolling text.</MARQUEE> Loops infinitely.
<MARQUEE SCROLLAMOUNT=30 LOOP=0>This is some scrolling text.</MARQUEE> Loops infinitely.
<MARQUEE SCROLLAMOUNT=30 LOOP=>This is some scrolling text.</MARQUEE> Loops infinitely.


If you set the IHTMLMarqueeElement::loop property to null or 0 in script, a scripting error occurs.



Build date: 6/12/2012