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Step 4: Test the EDI Solution



Microsoft Azure BizTalk Services (MABS) is being retired, and replaced with Azure Logic Apps. If you currently use MABS, then Move from BizTalk Services to Logic Appsprovides some guidance on moving your integration solutions to Logic Apps.

If you're brand new to Logic Apps, then we suggest getting started here:

In this step, we test the EDI solution by sending a message to the endpoint where the EDI receive bridge is deployed. You can send messages to the endpoint both in HTTP or SOAP protocols. The instructions below demonstrate how to send the message via HTTP.

To test the EDI solution

  1. Download the MessageSender tool from Azure BizTalk Services Samples.

  2. Build the project and use the resulting MessageSender command line executable to send messages to the deployed bridge endpoint. This tool accepts command line parameter, and the sequence and usage of those parameters is given below:

    MessageSender.exe <ACSNamespace> <IssuerName> <IssuerKey> <RuntimeAddress> <MessageFilepath> <ContentType>



  3. For this tutorial, to test the EDI scenario, open a command prompt, navigate to the solution where you built the MessageSender project, and run the following command:

    MessageSender.exe <ACSNamespace> <IssuerName> <IssuerKey> <endpoint URL of the agreement> <complete path to the request message> "text/plain"

    This application sends the message to the deployed endpoint and prints the success/failure message.

  4. Upon successful completion, the SalesOrder table in Northwind’s database must have a new sales order entry created.

  5. Because you chose to receive acknowledgements, you get those acknowledgements on the endpoint you specified as part of the EDI send settings. For example, for successfully processed acknowledgements, you specified the endpoint as https://servicebus You can use the MessageReceiver tool to receive those acknowledgements.

    1. Download the MessageReceiver tool from Azure BizTalk Services Samples.

    2. Build the project and use the resulting command line executable to receive messages at a Service Bus endpoint. This tool accepts command line parameter, and the sequence and usage of those parameters is given below:

      MessageReceiver.exe <ServiceBusNamespace> <IssuerName> <IssuerKey> <RelativeAddress> <Mode>


      Parameter name


      Service Bus Namespace

      The Service Bus namespace


      Issuer Name for the above namespace


      Issuer Key for the above namespace


      Relative address for the entity to be hosted. You get this address from the Transport page of the Send Settings tab for the agreement you created in Step 3: Create Agreements Between Partner Profiles.

      For this tutorial, you configured the agreement to send successfully processed acknowledgements to https://servicebus, so you must set this parameter to Success.


      Indicate whether the entity is a Queue, one-way relay, or a two-way relay. For this tutorial, because we chose to receive the messages to a one-way relay, you must set this to OneWayRelay.

      For this tutorial, to test the EDI solution, open a command prompt, navigate to the solution where you built the MessageReceiver project, and run the following command:

      MessageReceiver.exe <ServiceBusNamespace> <IssuerName> <IssuerKey> Success OneWayRelay

      This console application shows the message received at the endpoint. The message is also saved under the \bin\Debug folder of the MessageReceiver project.


      You can run another instance of the MessageReceiver tool to receive messages that are sent to the failure endpoint, which you configured in the agreement as https://servicebus

  6. Because you enabled tracking as part of the agreement, you can also see the message tracking data as the message is processed by the EDI pipeline. To view the tracking data, on the BizTalk Services Portal home page, click Tracking.

See Also

Create and Deploy the Trading Partner Agreement