
The Direct2D effects API is an addition to Direct2D that provides image effect processing. Direct2D effects is GPU accelerated, immediate-mode, and is integrated with Direct2D.

With Direct2D effects you can combine multiple effects into a graph that is all processed at render time. This graph can include several different categories of Built-in Effects and also enables you to implement your own effects.

For more information, see Effects Overview.

Supported runtime environments COM
Recommended programming languages C/C++
Minimum supported Client Windows 8
Minimum supported Server Windows Server 2012
Getting started Effects Overview

In this section

Topic Description

Effects Overview

An overview of Direct2D effects.

How to load an image into Direct2D Effects using the FilePicker

Shows how to use the Windows::Storage::Pickers::FileOpenPicker to load an image into Direct2D effects.

How to save Direct2D content to an image file

This topic shows how to use IWICImageEncoder to save content in the form of an ID2D1Image to an encoded image file such as JPEG.

How to Apply Effects to Primitives

This topic shows how to apply a series of effect to Direct2D and DirectWrite primitives.

Built-in Effects

Direct2D effects provides this set of built-in effects.


Direct2D effects is part of Direct2D and is built on top of Direct3D.

Topic Description


Direct2D is a hardware-accelerated, immediate-mode, 2-D graphics API that provides high performance and high-quality rendering for 2-D geometry, bitmaps, and text. The Direct2D API interoperates well with GDI, GDI+, and Direct3D.


Direct2D effects is built on top of Direct3D to take advantage of the GPU.

Direct2D basic image effects sample

The basic image effects sample shows how to load an image and apply the Gaussian blur effect to it.




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Build date: 9/5/2012