
This operation obtains all the sites containing friendly URLs that have changed since the last call.<17>

 <wsdl:operation name="GetChangedFriendlyUrlBasedWebs" xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/">
   <wsdl:input message="tns:GetChangedFriendlyUrlBasedWebsSoapIn"/>
   <wsdl:output message="tns:GetChangedFriendlyUrlBasedWebsSoapOut"/>

The protocol client initiates the operation by sending a          GetChangedFriendlyUrlBasedWebs message to the protocol server, as specified in section

The protocol server MUST build ArrayOfFriendlyUrlBasedWeb element, as specified in section, to send to the protocol client. The following conditions must be filled:

The protocol server MUST enumerate all the sites containing friendly URLs and that have changed since given changeToken and MUST create a FriendlyUrlBasedWeb object for each site and add it to the ArrayOfFriendlyUrlBasedWeb which is returned.

  • If there are a large number sites that have changed then the protocol server MUST return  ArrayOfFriendlyUrlBasedWeb for a subset of those sites (2) along with a pagingToken.

  • The protocol server MUST return different subset of the ArrayOfFriendlyUrlBasedWeb for different values of pagingToken.

  • Protocol server MUST return a SOAP fault if there is an error processing the pagingToken or changeToken.

  • If the contentPartitionId specified does not exist or is null the protocol server MUST return a SOAP fault.