4.3 Creating an Immediate Conversion Job

This example demonstrates how a protocol client submits a new immediate conversion job

There are two scenarios for creating an immediate conversion job. The first one is for when an input file is stored on the protocol server and the second one is for when an input file is stored on a non-server location to which the protocol client has access.

For the first scenario, the protocol client has the following input file URL, and desired output file URL to convert to PDF:

Input URL: http://server/Other/Other.docx

Output URL: http://server/Other/Other.pdf

The protocol client creates a unique conversion job identifier with the value 4077080388989660114.

For the second scenario, the protocol client has the following base-64 encoded byte stream as an input file: UEsDBBQABgAIAAAAI, and it requests the input file stream to be converted to [MS-DOC]  format. It creates a unique conversion job identifier with the value 3508186235466465020.