
QuotasType specifies a set of resource quota limits that are applied to operations that are carried out by a particular plug-in through the Web Services Management Protocol Extensions for Windows Vista service. The schema MUST be as shown in this section.

This type is used under the following XML namespace URI: "http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/config/PluginConfiguration".

 <xs:complexType name="QuotasType">
   <xs:attribute name="MaxConcurrentUsers" type="xs:integer" default="5" />
   <xs:attribute name="MaxConcurrentOperationsPerUser" type="xs:integer" use="optional" default="15" />
   <xs:attribute name="MaxConcurrentOperations" type="xs:integer" use="optional" default="1500" />
   <xs:attribute name="MaxMemoryPerShellMB" type="xs:integer" use="optional" default="1024" />
   <xs:attribute name="MaxIdleTimeoutms" type="xs:integer" use="optional" default="180000" />
   <xs:attribute name="IdleTimeoutms" type="xs:integer" use="optional" default="180000" />
   <xs:attribute name="MaxProcessesPerShell" type="xs:integer" use="optional" default="15" />
   <xs:attribute name="MaxConcurrentCommandsPerShell" type="xs:integer" use="optional" default="15" />
   <xs:attribute name="MaxShells" type="xs:integer" use="optional" default="25" />
   <xs:attribute name="MaxShellsPerUser" type="xs:integer" use="optional" default="5" />

MaxConcurrentUsers: Limits the maximum number of users on behalf of which this particular plug-in will concurrently perform operations. The minimum value MUST be 1. The maximum value MUST be 100. The default value SHOULD be 5. Operation requests for this particular plug-in MUST be rejected if they would cause the number of concurrent users to exceed the specified limit, and the server MUST reply with a wsman:QuotaLimit fault.

MaxConcurrentOperationsPerUser: An optional value that limits the maximum number of concurrent operations allowed to be carried out by this particular plug-in for any one individual user. The minimum value MUST be 1. The maximum value MUST be 4294967295. The default value SHOULD be 15. Operation requests for this particular plug-in MUST be rejected if they would cause the number of concurrent operations for a particular user to exceed the specified limit, and the server MUST reply with a wsman:QuotaLimit fault.

MaxConcurrentOperations: An optional value that limits the maximum number of concurrent operations allowed to be carried out by this particular plug-in. The minimum value MUST be 1. The maximum value MUST be 4294967295. The default value SHOULD be 1500. Operation requests for this particular plug-in MUST be rejected if they would cause the number of concurrent operations to exceed the specified limit, and the server MUST reply with a wsman:QuotaLimit fault.

MaxMemoryPerShellMB: An optional value that limits the maximum total amount of memory that can be allocated cumulatively by any active Remote Shells created by this particular plug-in that are being executed within the same process and all of their child processes. The minimum value MUST be 0. The maximum value MUST be 2147483647. The default value SHOULD be 1024. If this value is equal to 0, it MUST be interpreted to mean that the ability of the remote operations to allocate memory is limited only by the available virtual memory. The remote operation MUST be terminated when a new allocation exceeds the specified quota.

MaxIdleTimeoutms: An optional value that specifies the maximum idle time-out for Shells created by this particular plug-in. The value MUST be expressed in milliseconds. The minimum value MUST be 60000. The maximum value MUST be 2147483647. The default value SHOULD be 180000. If the IdleTimeout value specified in a Create message (section or Disconnect message (section is greater than the MaxIdleTimeoutms value for this particular plug-in, then the service SHOULD use the value of MaxIdleTimeoutms as the effective time-out value of the Shell Idle Timeout Timer.

IdleTimeoutms: An optional value that specifies an idle time-out for Shells created by this particular plug-in. The value MUST be expressed in milliseconds. The minimum value MUST be 60000. The maximum value MUST be 2147483647. The default value SHOULD be 180000. The service SHOULD close and terminate the shell instance if it is idle for this amount of time. If the Shell is reused within this time limit, the countdown timer is reset once the command sequence is completed.

MaxProcessesPerShell: An optional value that limits the maximum cumulative number of concurrent processes that any Shell operations being executed on behalf of this particular plug-in within the same process are allowed to launch. The minimum value MUST be 0. The maximum value MUST be 2147483647. The default value SHOULD be 15. If this value is equal to 0 it MUST be interpreted to mean an unlimited number of processes. If the remote operation attempts to launch a new process and the process count exceeds the specified limit, the operation MUST return a wsman:InternalError fault and any future operations on that shell MUST return a wsman:InternalError fault until the process count decreases below this limit.

MaxConcurrentCommandsPerShell: An optional value that limits the maximum number of concurrent commands allowed to be carried out by a single Shell by this particular plug-in. The minimum value MUST be 1. The maximum value MUST be 2147483647. The default value SHOULD be 15. Operation requests for this particular plug-in MUST be rejected if they would cause the number of concurrent commands within a Shell to exceed the specified limit, and the server MUST reply with a wsman:QuotaLimit fault.

MaxShells: An optional value that limits the maximum number of concurrent Shells allowed to be created by this particular plug-in. The minimum value MUST be 1. The maximum value MUST be 2147483647. The default value SHOULD be 25. Incoming wst:Create requests for this particular plug-in MUST be rejected if the number of currently existing Shells is equal to the configured limit, and the server MUST reply with a wsman:QuotaLimit fault.

MaxShellsPerUser: An optional value that limits the maximum number of concurrent Shells allowed to be created by this particular plug-in on behalf of a single user. The minimum value MUST be 1. The maximum value MUST be 2147483647. The default value SHOULD be 5. Incoming wst:Create requests for this particular plug-in MUST be rejected if the number of currently existing Shells for the specific user is equal to the configured limit, and the server MUST reply with a wsman:QuotaLimit fault.