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Specifies a range of Unicode characters to import.


ImportRange start end


  • start
    An integer that indicates the beginning of the range of Unicode characters to import.
  • end
    An integer that indicates the end of the range of Unicode characters to import.


A SelectFont statement that specifies the font from which to import glyphs must precede the ImportRange statement in the .fntdef file. Otherwise TFConvert will fail. If there are multiple SelectFont statements, the one that more closely precedes the ImportRange statement will be used.

The ImportRange option may be applied multiple times per .fntdef file, to select non-contiguous ranges of characters.

Both the start and end arguments are required. To import only one character, use the same number for both start and end.


The following .fntdef file will import the uppercase characters from A to C, the uppercase F, and the lowercase characters from a to c.

SelectFont "WE:400,FN:Kootenay"
#import A, B, C
ImportRange 65 67
#import F ImportRange 70 70
#import a, b, c ImportRange 97 99

See Also

