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System.Security.Cryptography Namespace

Provides cryptographic services, including secure encoding and decoding of data, as well as many other operations, such as hashing, random number generation, and message authentication.


Name Description
Public Class AesCryptoServiceProvider Performs symmetric encryption and decryption using the Cryptographic Application Programming Interfaces (CAPI) implementation of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm.
Public Class AsymmetricAlgorithm Represents the abstract base class from which all implementations of asymmetric algorithms must inherit.
Public Class CryptographicException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during a cryptographic operation.
Public Class CryptographicUnexpectedOperationException The exception that is thrown when an unexpected operation occurs during a cryptographic operation.
Public Class CryptoKey Represents the key object to use for cryptographic operations.
Public Class DSACryptoServiceProvider Defines a wrapper object to access the cryptographic service provider (CSP) implementation of the DSA algorithm. This class cannot be inherited.
Public Class ECDiffieHellmanCryptoServiceProvider Provides a wrapper Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange.
Public Class ECDsaCryptoServiceProvider Provides the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA).
Public Class HashAlgorithm Represents the base class from which all implementations of cryptographic hash algorithms must derive.
Public Class KeyedHashAlgorithm Computes a hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) using the provided hash function type.
Public Class KeySizes Determines the set of valid key sizes for the symmetric cryptographic algorithms.
Public Class RNGCryptoServiceProvider Implements a cryptographic Random Number Generator (RNG) using the implementation provided by the cryptographic service provider (CSP).
Public Class RSACryptoServiceProvider Performs asymmetric encryption and decryption using the implementation of the RSA algorithm provided by the cryptographic service provider (CSP).
Public Class SymmetricAlgorithm Represents the abstract base class from which all implementations of symmetric algorithms must inherit.
Public Class TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider Defines a wrapper object to access the cryptographic service provider (CSP) version of the TripleDES algorithm. This class cannot be inherited.


Name Description
Public Interface ICryptoTransform Defines the basic operations of cryptographic transformations.


Name Description
Public Structure DSAParameters Contains the typical parameters for the DSA algorithm.
Public Structure RSAParameters Represents the standard parameters for the RSA algorithm.


Name Description
Public Enumeration CipherMode Specifies the block cipher mode to use for encryption.
Public Enumeration CryptoKey.KeyClass Specifies the key class types.
Public Enumeration CryptoKey.KeyType Specifies the possible key types.
Public Enumeration ECDiffieHellmanKeyDerivationFunction Specifies the key derivation function used to transform the raw secret agreement into key material.
Public Enumeration HashAlgorithmType Specifies the types of supported hash algorithms.
Public Enumeration KeyedHashAlgorithmType Specifies the types of supported keyed hash algorithms.
Public Enumeration PaddingMode Specifies the type of padding to apply when the message data block is shorter than the full number of bytes needed for a cryptographic operation.