RouteOptimization Enumeration

Defines optimization options for calculating directions. The Microsoft.Maps.Directions.RouteOptimization enumeration has the following options.

Name Description
shortestTime The route is calculated to minimize the time. Traffic information is not used.
shortestDistance The route is calculated to minimize the distance. Traffic information is not used.
timeWithTraffic The route is calculated to minimize the time and uses current traffic information.
timeAvoidClosure The route is calculated to minimize the time and avoid road closures. Traffic information is not used in the calculation.
minimizeMoney Minimize the cost when calculating directions. This option only affects transit routes that have the culture set to ja-jp.
minimizeTransfers Minimize transit transfers when calculating directions. This option only affects transit routes that have the culture set to ja-jp.
minimizeWalking Minimize the amount of walking when calculating directions. This option only affects transit routes that have the culture set to ja-jp.