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BudgetTransactionWFWorkItemActnMngr::main Method [AX 2012]

Provides an entry point for the BudgetTransactionWFWorkItemActnMngr class when it is called from a menu item.


client server public static void main(Args _args)

Run On



  • _args
    Type: Args Class
    The arguments for the BudgetTransactionWFWorkItemActnMngr class.


Use the main class design pattern whenever a class is called from a menu item. Do not call the main method explicitly from the code; call it implicitly from a menu item.

  1. Instantiate the class by calling the static construct method.

  2. Call the prompt method to create a dialog box.

  3. Call the run method, if the user clicks OK in the dialog box.

See Also

BudgetTransactionWFWorkItemActnMngr Class

How to: Access a Class from a Menu