About routing in the MapPoint object model

Routing is a powerful part of Microsoft MapPoint, and you can access all of that power through automation.

MapPoint has one Route object that is in use at all times. To get directions from one place to another, or to highlight those directions on the screen, you must make modifications to that route. A route is made up of a start point, an end point, and zero or more stops along the way. Collectively, these are referred to as waypoints. Changing a route mostly consists of modifying the waypoints that make up the route. You can clear the route of all waypoints, add or remove individual waypoints, or change the order of waypoints in the route.

You can access the Route object through the ActiveRoute property of the Application object.

Modifying the waypoints in a route

After you have the Route object, the most common way to modify the route is to change the list of waypoints that it contains. Waypoint objects are created by specifying a Location or Pushpin object that defines a start point, an end point, or stop along the route. For more information about Pushpins and locations, see About locations in the MapPoint object model.

If you are creating a new route, you must clear the current route first (more than one route is not allowed in the map at a given time) using the Clear method on the Route object.

The following example creates a new route by adding waypoints.

[Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0]
Sub AddWaypoints()
  Dim oMap As MapPoint.Map
  Dim oRte As MapPoint.Route
  Set oMap = GetObject(, "MapPoint.Application").ActiveMap
  oMap.Parent.PaneState = geoPaneRoutePlanner

  Set oRte = oMap.ActiveRoute
  With oRte.Waypoints
    .Add oMap.FindAddressResults(, "New Bedford", , _
    .Add oMap.FindAddressResults(, "Newport", , "RI")(1)
    .Add oMap.FindAddressResults(, "Mystic", , "Conn")(1)
  End With
  'Zoom to the route
End Sub

void AddWaypoints()
    //set up application
    MapPoint.ApplicationClass objApp = new MapPoint.ApplicationClass();
    MapPoint.Route objRoute;
    MapPoint.Map objMap;

    objApp.Visible = true;
    objApp.UserControl = true;
    objMap = objApp.ActiveMap;
    objRoute = objMap.ActiveRoute;

    objMap.Parent.PaneState = MapPoint.GeoPaneState.geoPaneRoutePlanner;

    //Get locations for route
    object item = 1;
          "Redmond, WA").get_Item(ref item), "Redmond, WA");
          "Seattle, WA").get_Item(ref item), "Seattle, WA");
          "Portland, OR").get_Item(ref item), "Portland, OR");

    // Calculate the route

Note   The Clear method is also the easiest way to remove the route from the map. You cannot delete the Route object; you simply remove all waypoints from it so that it will not appear.

When you have finished modifying the route's waypoints, you must calculate the route directions, and other properties of the route will be generated. To find out if a route is calculated, use the IsCalculated property. The Directions collection of the route stores the final turn-by-turn directions and gives you useful properties and methods of the route, such as the location, which is used to zoom to the entire route. The Directions collection and Direction objects are discussed in more detail in "Getting driving directions," later in this topic.

Note   The Calculate method requires some processing time and takes a longer time depending on the length and complexity of the route. It is a good idea to optimize your code so that you do not needlessly call the Calculate method. For example, you do not need to call the Calculate method after adding each waypoint. It is a good idea to finish modifying your route completely before calling the Calculate method.

You can also create waypoints from Pushpins. The Pushpins can come from any data set, including imported and linked sets. The following example imports one of the sample files and adds a subset of the Pushpins as stops. This example uses the QueryCircle method to obtain a list of records, which is a Recordset object that can be used to add Waypoint objects to the route. Any of the query methods (QueryAllRecords, QueryCircle, and QueryShape) can be substituted here.

Note   This code example assumes that there is a MyData.mdb file with an Employees table. For this code to work properly, the table must be imported as a Pushpin map. You can modify the names and paths in this code to make it work with your data.

[Visual Basic 6.0]Sub AddPPWaypoints()  Dim oApp As MapPoint.Application  Set oApp = GetObject(, "MapPoint.Application")  oApp.PaneState = geoPaneRoutePlanner  ' Ensure we're working in miles  oApp.Units = geoMiles  Dim oMap As MapPoint.Map  Set oMap = oApp.ActiveMap  Dim strDB As String  strDB = App.Path & "\Samples\Clients.MDB!AddressQuery"  ' Add all local addresses as waypoints  Dim dsEmps As MapPoint.DataSet  Set dsEmps = oMap.DataSets.ImportData(strDB)  Dim oLoc As MapPoint.Location  Set oLoc = oMap.FindResults("Creve Coeur, MO")(1)  oLoc.GoTo  ' Find all employees within 300 miles of Creve Coeur  Dim rsEmps As MapPoint.Recordset  Set rsEmps = dsEmps.QueryCircle(oLoc, 300)  ' Add those addresses as Waypoints  Dim oWps As MapPoint.Waypoints  Set oWps = oMap.ActiveRoute.Waypoints  Do While Not rsEmps.EOF     If (rsEmps.IsMatched) Then        oWps.Add rsEmps.Pushpin     End If     rsEmps.MoveNext  Loop  oMap.ActiveRoute.Calculate  ' How many did we get?  MsgBox oWps.CountEnd Sub[C#]void AddPPWaypoints()  {    //set up application    MapPoint.ApplicationClass objApp = new  MapPoint.ApplicationClass();    MapPoint.Route objRoute;    MapPoint.Map objMap;    MapPoint.Location objLoc;    objApp.Visible = true;    objApp.UserControl = true;    objMap = objApp.ActiveMap;    objRoute = objMap.ActiveRoute;    // Ensure we're working in miles    objApp.Units = MapPoint.GeoUnits.geoMiles;    string strDB  = objApp.Path +        @"\Samples\Clients.MDB!AddressQuery";    // Add all local addresses as waypoints    MapPoint.DataSet dsDataSet;    object missing = System.Type.Missing;     dsDataSet = objMap.DataSets.ImportData(       strDB, missing, MapPoint.GeoCountry.geoCountryUnitedStates,       MapPoint.GeoDelimiter.geoDelimiterDefault,       MapPoint.GeoImportFlags.geoImportAccessTable);    Object obj = 1;    objLoc = (MapPoint.Location)objMap.FindResults(       "Creve Coeur, MO").get_Item(ref obj);    // Find all clients within 300 miles of Creve Coeur    MapPoint.Recordset rsDataSet;    rsDataSet = dsDataSet.QueryCircle(objLoc, 300);    // Add those addresses as Waypoints    MapPoint.Waypoints objWayPoints;    objWayPoints = objMap.ActiveRoute.Waypoints;    rsDataSet.MoveFirst();    while(!rsDataSet.EOF)      {         objWayPoints.Add(rsDataSet.Pushpin, "");         rsDataSet.MoveNext();      }     //calulate route     objMap.ActiveRoute.Calculate();    //how many did we get?    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(       objRoute.Waypoints.Count.ToString(),"How Many?");  }

You can move Waypoint objects by setting their Anchor property, which is the Pushpin or Location object with which the Waypoint object is associated. If a Waypoint object is anchored to a Pushpin and the Pushpin is moved, then the Waypoint object moves with the Pushpin.

[Visual Basic 6.0]
Sub MoveWaypoint()
  Dim oMap As MapPoint.Map
  Set oMap = GetObject(, "MapPoint.Application").ActiveMap
  oMap.Parent.PaneState = geoPaneRoutePlanner

  ' Zoom in on the area
  oMap.FindResults("Rhode Island, USA")(1).GoTo

  With oMap.ActiveRoute.Waypoints
    Dim oWP As MapPoint.Waypoint
    Set oWP = .Add(oMap.FindAddressResults(,_
        "New Bedford", , "Mass")(1), "First Stop")

    MsgBox "The waypoint will be moved after this message."

    Set oWP.Anchor = oMap.FindAddressResults(,_
        "Newport", , "RI")(1)
  End With
End Sub

void MoveWaypoint()
    //set up application

    MapPoint.ApplicationClass objApp = new MapPoint.ApplicationClass();
    MapPoint.Map objMap = null;
    objApp.Visible = true;
    objApp.UserControl = true;
    objMap = objApp.ActiveMap;

    MapPoint.Location objLoc = null;

    objMap.Parent.PaneState = MapPoint.GeoPaneState.geoPaneRoutePlanner;

    //Zoom in on the area
    Object obj = 1;
    Object obj3 = 3;
       "Rhode Island, USA").get_Item(ref obj),"First Stop");
       "Denver, CO").get_Item(ref obj), "");
       "Newport, RI").get_Item(ref obj), "");

    //using Anchor method to put Wichita, KS
    //at top in Rhode Island's place.
    objLoc = (MapPoint.Location)(objMap.FindResults(
       "Wichita, KS").get_Item(ref obj));
    objMap.ActiveRoute.Waypoints.get_Item(ref obj).Anchor = objLoc;


To remove a waypoint from the route, simply call the Delete method on the Waypoint object.

[Visual Basic 6.0]
Sub DeleteWaypoint()
  Dim oMap As MapPoint.Map
  Set oMap = GetObject(, "MapPoint.Application").ActiveMap
  oMap.Parent.PaneState = geoPaneRoutePlanner

  With oMap.ActiveRoute.Waypoints
    Dim oWP As MapPoint.Waypoint
    Set oWP = .Add(oMap.FindAddressResults(,_
        "New Bedford", , "Mass")(1), "First Stop")
    MsgBox "The waypoint will be deleted after this message."

  End With
End Sub

void DeleteWaypoint()
    //set up application

    MapPoint.ApplicationClass objApp = new MapPoint.ApplicationClass();
    MapPoint.Map objMap = null;
    //MapPoint.Waypoint objWaypoints = null;
    //MapPoint.Route objRoute = null;

    objApp.Visible = true;
    objApp.UserControl = true;
    objMap = objApp.ActiveMap;
    Object obj1 = 1;
    Object obj2 = 2;

    objMap.Parent.PaneState = MapPoint.GeoPaneState.geoPaneRoutePlanner;

       "Newport, RI, USA").get_Item(ref obj2), "");
       "Jamestown, RI, USA").get_Item(ref obj1), "");

    // Replace WAYPOINT (add, delete)
       "The WayPoint will be deleted after this message");
       "Middletown, RI, USA").get_Item(ref obj1), "");
    objMap.ActiveRoute.Waypoints.get_Item(ref obj2).Delete();


You can reorder Waypoint options individually using the Reorder method or the ListPosition property:

[Visual Basic 6.0]
Sub ReorderWaypoints()
  Dim oMap As MapPoint.Map
  Set oMap = GetObject(, "MapPoint.Application").ActiveMap
  oMap.Parent.PaneState = geoPaneRoutePlanner

  ' Zoom in on the area
  oMap.FindResults("Massachusetts, USA")(1).GoTo

  With oMap.ActiveRoute.Waypoints
    .Add oMap.FindAddressResults(, "Boston", , "Mass")(1)
    .Add oMap.FindAddressResults(, "Newport", , "RI")(1)
    .Add oMap.FindAddressResults(, "New Bedford", , _
    .Add oMap.FindAddressResults(, "Mystic", , "Conn")(1)

    MsgBox _
      "The stops will switch position after this message."

    ' Make Newport the third stop
    .Item(2).ListPosition = 3

    MsgBox "The start and end points will switch after this message."

    ' Reverse the top and bottom
    .Item(4).Reorder geoMoveToTop
    .Item(2).Reorder geoMoveToBottom

  End With
End Sub

void ReorderWaypoints(
    //set up application

    MapPoint.ApplicationClass objApp = new MapPoint.ApplicationClass();
    MapPoint.Map objMap = null;
    objApp.Visible = true;
    objApp.UserControl = true;
    objMap = objApp.ActiveMap;

    objMap.Parent.PaneState = MapPoint.GeoPaneState.geoPaneRoutePlanner;

    //Zoom in on the area
    Object obj1 = 1;
    Object obj2 = 2;
    Object obj3 = 3;
       "Rhode Island, USA").get_Item(ref obj1), "");
       "Denver, CO").get_Item(ref obj1), "");
       "Newport, RI").get_Item(ref obj1), "");
       "Jamestown, RI, USA").get_Item(ref obj1), "");

       "The second and third WayPoints will now be rearranged");

    //using Reorder method
    objMap.ActiveRoute.Waypoints.get_Item(ref obj2).Reorder(
    objMap.ActiveRoute.Waypoints.get_Item(ref obj3).Reorder(

Note   In the preceding code, the route is calculated three times. Calculating the route three times is unnecessary in practice but provides a useful example because it shows MapPoint re-creating the route with the new waypoint order each time.

You can also have MapPoint automatically reorder the route to create a shorter, more efficient trip by optimizing the route. Optimizing changes the order of the stops but does not affect the start and end points. It will not have an effect on trips with less than four waypoints. The following code uses the Optimize method to optimize stops.

[Visual Basic 6.0]
Sub OptimizeWaypoints()
  Dim oMap As MapPoint.Map
  Set oMap = GetObject(, "MapPoint.Application").ActiveMap
  oMap.Parent.PaneState = geoPaneRoutePlanner

  ' Zoom in on the area
  oMap.FindResults("Massachusetts, USA")(1).GoTo

  With oMap.ActiveRoute.Waypoints
    .Add oMap.FindAddressResults(, "Boston", , "Mass")(1)
    .Add oMap.FindAddressResults(, "Newport", , "RI")(1)
    .Add oMap.FindAddressResults(,_
      "New Bedford", , "Mass")(1)
    .Add oMap.FindAddressResults(, "Mystic", , "Conn")(1)

  End With
End Sub

void OptimizeWaypoints()
    //set up application
    MapPoint.ApplicationClass objApp = new MapPoint.ApplicationClass();
    MapPoint.Route objRoute;
    MapPoint.Map objMap;

    objApp.Visible = true;
    objApp.UserControl = true;
    objMap = objApp.ActiveMap;
    objRoute = objMap.ActiveRoute;

    objMap.Parent.PaneState = MapPoint.GeoPaneState.geoPaneRoutePlanner;
    Object obj1 = 1;

       "Boston, MA").get_Item(ref obj1), "");
       "Newport, RI").get_Item(ref obj1), "Watch Me");
       "New Bedford, MA").get_Item(ref obj1), "");
       "Mystic, CT, USA").get_Item(ref obj1), "");


Note   Optimizing can be a time-intensive process, especially as the number of stops that you are optimizing increases. It is a good idea to manage your code so that you do not have to optimize unnecessarily. For example, do not optimize after adding each waypoint. Also, notice that the route does not need to be calculated to optimize the waypoints.

Modifying the route in other ways

Changing waypoints is not the only way that you can modify a route. You can also specify arrival, wait, and departure times for each waypoint in addition to areas to avoid and general preferences for specific drivers.

The following example specifies the preferred departure time for the starting waypoint and the duration of time that will be spent at the first stop. Just as in the user interface, MapPoint will attempt to accommodate your time preferences when calculating the route, but it cannot always use these preferences. For example, if you set the departure time from the first stop at 10:00 A.M. and the arrival time for the next stop at 10:10 A.M. when there is a 30-minute drive between them, MapPoint will not be able to create the route using those preferences.

Note   Time intervals are represented in fractional days. You can use the GeoTimeConstants geoOneHour and geoOneMinute to calculate the time intervals.

[Visual Basic 6.0]
Sub WaypointTimes()
  Dim oMap As MapPoint.Map
  Set oMap = GetObject(, "MapPoint.Application").ActiveMap
  oMap.Parent.PaneState = geoPaneRoutePlanner

  With oMap.ActiveRoute.Waypoints
    Dim oWP As MapPoint.Waypoint
    .Add oMap.FindAddressResults(,_
      "New Bedford", , "Mass")(1)
    .Add oMap.FindAddressResults(, "Newport", , "RI")(1)
    .Add oMap.FindAddressResults(, "Mystic", , "Conn")(1)

    .Item(1).PreferredDeparture = "10:00 AM"
    .Item(2).StopTime = 3 * geoOneHour
  End With
End Sub

void WaypointTimes()
    //set up application

    MapPoint.ApplicationClass objApp = new MapPoint.ApplicationClass();
    MapPoint.Map objMap = null;
    objApp.Visible = true;
    objApp.UserControl = true;
    objMap = objApp.ActiveMap;

    objMap.Parent.PaneState = MapPoint.GeoPaneState.geoPaneRoutePlanner;
    Object obj1 = 1;
    Object obj2 = 2;
    Object obj3 = 3;
    Object obj6 = 6;

    //add waypoint
       "Newport, RI, USA").get_Item(ref obj1), "");
       "Mystic, CT, USA").get_Item(ref obj1), "");

    //set waypoint times
    string myPrefDepartureTime = "10:00:00 AM";
    DateTime PrefDepartureTime =
       ref obj1).PreferredDeparture = PrefDepartureTime;

       ref obj2).StopTime = 3 * MapPoint.GeoTimeConstants.geoOneHour;

    //calc route

Note   You can specify the time you want to depart, arrive, or stop at a particular waypoint. You cannot set the arrival time for the start waypoint or the departure time for the end waypoint.

You can create a detour around an area by creating a rectangle Shape object and setting its Avoided property to True. The following is an example of creating and using an avoided area.

[Visual Basic 6.0]
Sub AvoidArea()
  Dim oMap As MapPoint.Map
  Set oMap = GetObject(, "MapPoint.Application").ActiveMap
  oMap.Parent.PaneState = geoPaneRoutePlanner

  Dim locFallRiver As MapPoint.Location
  Set locFallRiver = oMap.FindAddressResults(,_
    "Fall River", , "Mass")(1)

  ' Create an avoided area
  Dim oDetour As MapPoint.Shape
  Set oDetour = oMap.Shapes.AddShape(geoShapeRectangle, _
    locFallRiver, 4, 4)
  oDetour.Name = "Detour"
  oDetour.Avoided = True

  With oMap.ActiveRoute
    Dim oWP As MapPoint.Waypoint
    .Waypoints.Add oMap.FindAddressResults(,_
       "New Bedford", , "Mass")(1)
    .Waypoints.Add oMap.FindAddressResults(,_
       "Newport", , "RI")(1)

  End With
End Sub

void AvoidArea()
    //set up application

    MapPoint.ApplicationClass objApp = new MapPoint.ApplicationClass();
    MapPoint.Map objMap = null;
    objApp.Visible = true;
    objApp.UserControl = true;
    objMap = objApp.ActiveMap;

    objMap.Parent.PaneState = MapPoint.GeoPaneState.geoPaneRoutePlanner;
    Object obj1 = 1;

    MapPoint.Location locFallRiver = null;
    locFallRiver = (MapPoint.Location)objMap.FindAddressResults(
       "", "Fall River", "", "MA", "", "USA").get_Item(ref obj1);

    //set waypoints
       "New Bedford, MA, USA").get_Item(ref obj1), "");
       "Newport, RI, USA").get_Item(ref obj1), "");

    //calc route

       "Fall River will be avoided after this message");

    // Create an avoided area
    MapPoint.Shape objDetour = null;
    objDetour = objMap.Shapes.AddShape(
       MapPoint.GeoAutoShapeType.geoShapeRectangle, locFallRiver, 5, 5);
    objDetour.Name = "Detour";
    objDetour.Avoided = true;

       "New Bedford, MA, USA").get_Item(ref obj1), "");
       "Newport, RI, USA").get_Item(ref obj1), "");

    //calc route

To remove a detour, simply call the Delete method on the Shape object or set the Avoided property to False. Removing a detour will invalidate the directions, so they will need to be recalculated.

You can also modify the way that a route is calculated by changing the driver profile. These profile settings include average driving speed, rest stop options, road preferences, how costs are calculated, size of the car's fuel tank, and other properties that may affect how the route is created. These settings can be accessed using the DriverProfile object. The following example sets the driving day from 8:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. with 45-minute rest breaks every four hours.

Note Time intervals are represented in fractional days. Use the GeoTimeConstants geoOneHour and geoOneMinute to calculate the time intervals.

[Visual Basic 6.0]
Sub DefineDrivingDay()
  Dim oApp As MapPoint.Application
  Set oApp = GetObject(, "MapPoint.Application")

  Dim oDrvProf As MapPoint.DriverProfile
  Set oDrvProf = oApp.ActiveMap.ActiveRoute.DriverProfile

  oDrvProf.StartTime = "8:00 AM"
  oDrvProf.EndTime = "7:00 PM"
  oDrvProf.IncludeRestStops = True
  oDrvProf.TimeBetweenRests = 4 * geoOneHour
  oDrvProf.RestStopDuration = 45 * geoOneMinute
End Sub

void DefineDrivingDay()
    //set up application

    MapPoint.ApplicationClass objApp = new MapPoint.ApplicationClass();
    MapPoint.Map objMap = null;
    MapPoint.Route objRoute = null;

    objApp.Visible = true;
    objApp.UserControl = true;
    objMap = objApp.ActiveMap;
    objRoute = objMap.ActiveRoute;

    objMap.Parent.PaneState = MapPoint.GeoPaneState.geoPaneRoutePlanner;
    Object obj1 = 1;

    //actual demo here

    //Start Time
    string myStartTime = "8:00:00 AM";
    DateTime dtStartTime = DateTime.Parse(myStartTime);

    //End Time
    string myEndTime = "7:00:00 PM";
    DateTime dtEndTime = DateTime.Parse(myEndTime);

    //Set the StartTime
    objRoute.DriverProfile.StartTime = dtStartTime;
    //Set the EndTime
    objRoute.DriverProfile.EndTime = dtEndTime;
    //Check Automatic rest stops
    objRoute.DriverProfile.IncludeRestStops = true;
    //Stop for 45 minutes
    objRoute.DriverProfile.RestStopDuration = 45 *
    //After driving for 4 Hours
    objRoute.DriverProfile.TimeBetweenRests = 4 *

Getting driving directions

Now that you can create a route that matches your set of stops and preferences, you need to create the actual driving directions. Driving directions are generated when you call the Calculate method. Driving directions include summary information, such as DrivingTime, TripTime, Distance, and Cost properties, which are accessed through the Route object. It also includes detailed driving directions, which are accessed through the Directions property. Detailed directions can be accessed for the entire route or just a route segment (the portion of a route between two consecutive waypoints). To access the directions for the entire route, use the Directions property of the Route object. To access the directions for a specific route segment of the route, use the SegmentDirections property for the Waypoint object that begins that segment.

The following code creates a route and then displays the calculated cost of the trip.

[Visual Basic 6.0]
Sub CalcRoute()
  Dim oMap As MapPoint.Map
  Set oMap = GetObject(, "MapPoint.Application").ActiveMap
  oMap.Parent.PaneState = geoPaneRoutePlanner

  With oMap.ActiveRoute
    .Waypoints.Add oMap.FindAddressResults(,_
      "New Bedford", , "Mass")(1)
    .Waypoints.Add oMap.FindAddressResults(,_
      "Newport", , "RI")(1)

    MsgBox Format(.Cost, "$.00")
  End With
End Sub

static void CalcRoute()
    //set up application

    MapPoint.ApplicationClass objApp = new MapPoint.ApplicationClass();
    MapPoint.Map objMap = null;
    objApp.Visible = true;
    objApp.UserControl = true;
    objMap = objApp.ActiveMap;

    objMap.Parent.PaneState = MapPoint.GeoPaneState.geoPaneRoutePlanner;
    Object obj1 = 1;

       "New Bedford, MA, USA").get_Item(ref obj1), "");
       "Newport, RI, USA").get_Item(ref obj1), "");

    //calc route

To hide or show the Directions pane in the user interface, which includes the route directions, use the ItineraryVisible property.

[Visal Basic 6.0]
Sub ItineraryPaneToggle()
  Dim oApp As MapPoint.Application
  Set oApp = GetObject(, "MapPoint.Application")

  ' Switch the state
  oApp.ItineraryVisible = Not oApp.ItineraryVisible
End Sub

void ItineraryPaneToggle()
    //set up application

    MapPoint.ApplicationClass objApp = new MapPoint.ApplicationClass();

    objApp.Visible = true;
    objApp.UserControl = true;
    objMap = objApp.ActiveMap;

    //Switch the Pane State
    objApp.ItineraryVisible = !objApp.ItineraryVisible;

    // A reference to System.Windows.Forms.dll
    // is needed to show the MessageBox
       "Toggling the Itinerary Pane");

    //Switch the Pane State
    objApp.ItineraryVisible = !objApp.ItineraryVisible;

To expand or collapse directions, use the Expanded property of the Directions collection.

Direction objects and Directions collections are only valid while the itinerary that they were created with is current. Any action that changes the itinerary for a route (such as moving or adding Waypoint objects) will invalidate any Direction objects that are being accessed (such as in a variable or in a Visual Basic collection). A new Direction object must be obtained after the route is recalculated. Therefore, it is not advisable to cache Direction objects.

To programmatically view the directions information in automation, use the Directions collection, which contains detailed information about the calculated route. The following example shows how to access this information.

[Visual Basic 6.0]
Sub DirectionProps()
  Dim oMap As MapPoint.Map
  Set oMap = GetObject(, "MapPoint.Application").ActiveMap
  oMap.Parent.PaneState = geoPaneRoutePlanner

  With oMap.ActiveRoute
    Dim oWP As MapPoint.Waypoint
      .Waypoints.Add oMap.FindAddressResults(,_
        "New Bedford", , "Mass")(1)
      .Waypoints.Add oMap.FindAddressResults(,_
        "Newport", , "RI")(1)


      MsgBox .Directions(1).StartTime & ": " & _
  End With
End Sub

void DirectionProps()
    MapPoint.ApplicationClass objApp = new MapPoint.ApplicationClass();
    MapPoint.Map objMap = null;

    objApp.Visible = true;
    objApp.UserControl = true;
    objMap = objApp.ActiveMap;

    Object obj1 = 1;
    Object obj3 = 3;

       "New Bedford, MA, USA").get_Item(ref obj1), "");
       "Newport, RI, USA").get_Item(ref obj1), "");

    //calc route

    //display 3rd Instruction
    string strInstruction =
       objMap.ActiveRoute.Directions.get_Item(ref obj3).Instruction;

    // A reference to System.Windows.Forms.dll
    // is needed to show the MessageBox

The Action property returns the action for a specified direction (such as turn left, enter roundabout, and so on), and the Type property returns the type of the direction (such as rest break, fuel stop, driving instruction, and so on).

The Directions collection and Direction object each have a Location property. This property contains the "best map view" of the route, segment, or single direction that the object represents. Use the Location property to zoom to an entire route, segment, or single direction. For more information about best map views, see Working with locations and finding places and address in the MapPoint object model.

More information