Find Service Locations for Client - RMS Server


Find the appropriate URLs for an RMS client to use.

Context of use

RMS servers use the Service Location interface of the RMS: Server-to-Server Protocol to find the URLs for specific services that are provided by other RMS servers.


  • Direct actor: The direct actor of this use case is the specific RMS server that the client has contacted.

  • Primary actor: The primary actor is the same as the direct actor.

  • Supporting actors: Any number of other RMS servers.

Stakeholders and interests

  • RMS client application, as described in section 2.5.1.

  • RMS user, as described in section 2.5.1.

  • Client computer, as described in section 2.5.1.

  • RMS server, as described in section 2.5.1.


The specific RMS server has a list of other RMS servers in the system.

Minimal guarantees

The RMS server returns a URL for the requested service to the client.

Success guarantee

The success guarantee is the same as the minimal guarantee.

Main success scenario

  1. Trigger: A client starts the process by making a request to the RMS server that is located at an SCP known to the client.

  2. The RMS server receives a request from the client. This request includes one or more service types.

  3. The RMS server sends a request to one or more servers on its list of other RMS servers in the system. The request identifies the type of services requested.

  4. Each of the other RMS servers responds.

  5. At least one of the responses includes a valid set of SCPs for the services requested. This can be an SCP pointing to the other RMS server that responded or an SCP that is known to that server.

  6. The RMS server returns the SCP to the client.

