IDirectDrawSurface7::SetLOD method (ddraw.h)

Sets the maximum level of detail (LOD) for a managed mipmap surface. This method succeeds only on managed textures.


  [in] DWORD unnamedParam1


[in] unnamedParam1

The maximum LOD value to be set for the mipmap chain if the call succeeds.

Return value

If the method succeeds, the return value is DD_OK.

If it fails, the method can return one of the following error values:



Applications can call this method only for managed textures (those surfaces that were created with the DDSCAPS2_TEXTUREMANAGE flag). If you call SetLOD on a nonmanaged texture, SetLOD fails and returns DDERR_INVALIDOBJECT.

SetLOD communicates to the Direct3D texture manager the most detailed mipmap in this chain that it should load into local video memory. For example, in a five-level mipmap chain, if you set dwMaxLOD to 2, the texture manager should load only mipmap levels 2 through 4 into local video memory at any given time. Likewise, if the most detailed mipmap in the chain has the dimensions 256×256, setting the maximum level to 2 means that the largest mipmap ever present in video memory has dimensions 64×64.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header ddraw.h
Library Ddraw.lib
DLL Ddraw.dll

See also
