PromptType Enumeration

Use the following enumeration members to specify prompt types reported by TurnStartingEvent.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Rtc.Workflow.Activities
Assembly:  Microsoft.Rtc.Workflow (in Microsoft.Rtc.Workflow.dll)


Public Enumeration PromptType
public enum PromptType
public enum class PromptType
Microsoft.Rtc.Workflow.Activities.PromptType = function();
Microsoft.Rtc.Workflow.Activities.PromptType.createEnum('Microsoft.Rtc.Workflow.Activities.PromptType', false);


Member name Value Description
Custom 0
Custom prompt defined by application author
Main 1
Main prompt
Help 2
Prompt is used when a help command in the scope is triggered
Repeat 3
Prompt that asks the user to repeat an utterance Currently used only by SpeechQuestionAnswerActivity.
Silence 4
Prompt that is played if the user stays silent
EscalatedSilence 5
Prompt that indicates silence that provides more explicit options than plain "Silence"
NoRecognition 6
Prompt that indicates an utterance was not recognized
EscalatedNoRecognition 7
Prompt that indicates an utterance was not recognized and provides more explicit options than plain "NoRecognition"
Acknowledge 8
Prompt used to acknowlegde the user input and is played before the input text is sent for recognition. Currently used only by InstantMessagingQuestionAnswerActivity.

See Also

Microsoft.Rtc.Workflow.Activities Namespace