2.1.10 [DOM Level 2 - Events] Section 1.6.4, Mutation event types


The specification states:

 A DOM application may use the hasFeature(feature, version) method of the 
 DOMImplementation interface with parameter values "MutationEvents" and "2.0" 
 (respectively) to determine whether or not the Mutation event module is supported 
 by the implementation. In order to fully support this module, an implementation 
 must also support the "Events" feature defined in this specification. Please, refer 
 to additional information about conformance in the DOM Level 2 Core specification 
 [DOM Level 2 Core].

Quirks Mode, IE7 Mode, and IE8 Mode (All Versions)

The hasFeature(sFeature [, vVersion]) method does not recognize MutationEvents as a valid value for sFeature or 2.0 as a valid value for vVersion.


The specification describes the MutationEvent interface.

Quirks Mode, IE7 Mode, and IE8 Mode (All Versions)

The MutationEvent interface is not supported.


The specification describes the following attributes of the MutationEvent interface:

 attrChange of type unsigned short, readonly
 attrChange indicates the type of change which triggered the DOMAttrModified event. The values can be MODIFICATION, ADDITION, or REMOVAL.
 attrName of type DOMString, readonly
 attrName indicates the name of the changed Attr node in a DOMAttrModified event.
 newValue of type DOMString, readonly
 newValue indicates the new value of the Attr node in DOMAttrModified events, and of the CharacterData node in DOMCharDataModified events.
 prevValue of type DOMString, readonly
 prevValue indicates the previous value of the Attr node in DOMAttrModified events, and of the CharacterData node in DOMCharDataModified events.
 relatedNode of type Node, readonly
 relatedNode is used to identify a secondary node related to a mutation event. For example, if a mutation event is dispatched to a node indicating that its parent has changed, the relatedNode is the changed parent. If an event is instead dispatched to a subtree indicating a node was changed within it, the relatedNode is the changed node. In the case of the DOMAttrModified event it indicates the Attr node which was modified, added, or removed.

Quirks Mode, IE7 Mode, and IE8 Mode (All Versions)

The attrChange, attrName, newValue, prevValue, and relatedNode attributes are not supported.

IE9 Mode, IE10 Mode, IE11 Mode, and EdgeHTML Mode (All Versions)

The prevValue attribute is supported. However, it provides only the previous value for DOMAttrModified events, not the previous value for DOMCharacterDataModified events. For DOMCharacterDataModified events, prevValue provides the empty string.


The specification states:

 This is a general event for notification of all changes to the document. It can be used instead of the more specific events listed below. It may be fired after a single modification to the document or, at the implementation's discretion, after multiple changes have occurred. The latter use should generally be used to accomodate multiple changes which occur either simultaneously or in rapid succession. The target of this event is the lowest common parent of the changes which have taken place. This event is dispatched after any other events caused by the mutation have fired. 
 Bubbles: Yes
 Cancelable: No
 Context Info: None

Quirks Mode, IE7 Mode, and IE8 Mode (All Versions)

The DOMSubtreeModified event is not supported.

IE9 Mode, IE10 Mode, and IE11 Mode (All Versions)

The DOMSubtreeModified event does not fire when appending text nodes with the appendChild method. For example, elm.appendChild(document.createTextNode("abc")); does not cause the event to fire.


The specification states:

 Fired after CharacterData within a node has been modified but the node itself has not been inserted or deleted. This event is also triggered by modifications to PI elements. The target of this event is the CharacterData node. 
 Bubbles: Yes
 Cancelable: No
 Context Info: prevValue, newValue

All Document Modes (All Versions)

The DOMCharacterDataModified event is not supported.

IE9 Mode, IE10 Mode, IE11 Mode, and EdgeHTML Mode (All Versions)

The DOMCharacterDataModified event does not fire when appending text nodes with the appendChild method. For example, elm.appendChild(document.createTextNode("abc")); does not cause the event to fire.