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Plate.InUse Property (Publisher)

Returns True if the specified ink (represented by the plate) is used in the publication. Read-only Boolean.


expression .InUse

expression A variable that represents an Plate object.

Return Value



This property corresponds to the In Use or Not In Use notation listed by each ink on the Ink tab of the Color Printing dialog box.


The following example loops through the active publication's plates collection, determines which plates represent inks that are not used in the publication, and deletes them.

Sub DeleteUnusedInks() 
Dim intCount As Integer 
With ActiveDocument.Plates 
 For intCount = .Count To 1 Step -1 
 With .Item(intCount) 
 If .InUse = False Then 
 Debug.Print "Name: " & .Name 
 End If 
 End With 
End With 
End Sub