ChartType Property

Returns or sets the chart type. Read/write XlChartType .

XlChartType can be one of these XlChartType constants.

xl3DArea. 3-D Area

xl3DAreaStacked. 3-D Stacked Area

xl3DAreaStacked100. 3-D Stacked Area

xl3DBarClustered. 3-D Clustered Bar

xl3DBarStacked. 3-D Stacked Bar

xl3DBarStacked100. 3-D 100% Stacked Bar

xl3DColumn. 3-D Column

xl3DColumnClustered. 3-D Clustered Column

xl3DColumnStacked. 3-D Stacked Column

xl3DColumnStacked100. 3-D 100% Stacked Column

xl3DLine. 3-D Line

xl3DPie. 3-D Pie

xl3DPieExploded. Exploded 3-D Pie

xlArea. Area

xlAreaStacked. Stacked Area

xlAreaStacked100. 100% Stacked Area

xlBarClustered. Clustered Bar

xlBarOfPie. Bar of Pie

xlBarStacked. Stacked Bar

xlBarStacked100. 100% Stacked Bar

xlBubble. Bubble

xlBubble3DEffect. Bubble with 3-D Effects

xlColumnClustered. Clustered Column

xlColumnStacked. Stacked Column

xlColumnStacked100. 100% Stacked Column

xlConeBarClustered. Clustered Cone Bar

xlConeBarStacked. Stacked Cone Bar

xlConeBarStacked100. 100% Stacked Cone Bar

xlConeCol. 3-D Cone Column

xlConeColClustered. Clustered Cone Column

xlConeColStacked. Stacked Cone Column

xlConeColStacked100. 100% Stacked Cone Column

xlCylinderBarStacked. Stacked Cylinder Bar

xlCylinderCol. 3-D Cylinder Column

xlCylinderColStacked. Stacked Cylinder Column

xlCylinderBarClustered. Clustered Cylinder Bar

xlCylinderBarStacked100. 100% Stacked Cylinder Bar

xlCylinderColClustered. Clustered Cylinder Column

xlCylinderColStacked100. 100% Stacked Cylinder Column

xlDoughnut. Doughnut

xlDoughnutExploded. Exploded Doughnut

xlLineMarkers. Line with Data Markers

xlLineMarkersStacked100. 100% Stacked Line with Markers

xlLineStacked100. 100% Stacked Line

xlLine. Line

xlLineMarkersStacked. Stacked Line with Data Markers

xlLineStacked. Stacked Line

xlPie. Pie

xlPieExploded. Exploded Pie

xlPieOfPie. Pie of Pie

xlPyramidBarClustered. Clustered Pyramid Bar

xlPyramidBarStacked. Stacked Pyramid Bar

xlPyramidBarStacked100. 100% Stacked Pyramid Bar

xlPyramidCol. 3-D Pyramid Column

xlPyramidColStacked. Stacked Pyramid Column

xlPyramidColClustered. Clustered Pyramid Column

xlPyramidColStacked100. 100% Stacked Pyramid Column

xlRadar. Radar

xlRadarFilled. Filled Radar

xlRadarMarkers. Radar with Data Markers

xlStockHLC. High-Low-Close

xlStockOHLC. Open-High-Low-Close

xlStockVHLC. Volume-High-Low-Close

xlStockVOHLC. Volume-Open-High-Low-Close

xlSurface. 3-D Surface

xlSurfaceTopView. Surface (Top View)

xlSurfaceTopViewWireframe. Surface (Top View wire-frame)

xlSurfaceWireframe. 3-D Surface(wire-frame)

xlXYScatter. Scatter

xlXYScatterLines. Scatter with Lines

xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers. Scatter with Lines and No Data Markers

xlXYScatterSmooth. Scatter with SmoothedLines

xlXYScatterSmoothNoMarkers. Scatter with Smoothed Lines and No Data Markers


expression Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


This example sets the bubble size in chart group one to 200 percent of the default size if the chart is a 2-D bubble chart.

With myChart 
 If .ChartType = xlBubble Then 
 .ChartGroups(1).BubbleScale = 200 
 End If 
End With