Row.AllowBreakAcrossPages property (Word)

True if the text in a table row or rows are allowed to split across a page break. Read/write Long.


expression. AllowBreakAcrossPages

expression Required. A variable that represents a 'Row' object.


This property can be True, False or wdUndefined (only some of the specified text is allowed to split).


This example creates a new document with a 5x5 table and prevents the third row of the table from being split during pagination.

Dim docNew As Document 
Dim tableNew As Table 
Set docNew = Documents.Add 
Set tableNew = docNew.Tables.Add(Range:=Selection.Range, _ 
 NumRows:=5, NumColumns:=5) 
tableNew.Rows(3).AllowBreakAcrossPages = False

This example determines whether the rows in the current table can be split across pages. If the insertion point isn't in a table, a message box is displayed.

Dim lngAllowBreak as Long 
Selection.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseStart 
If Selection.Tables.Count = 0 Then 
 MsgBox "The insertion point is not in a table." 
 lngAllowBreak = Selection.Rows.AllowBreakAcrossPages 
End If

See also

Row Object

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