Toolbar.Position property (Visio)

Gets or sets the position of an object. Read/write.



expression A variable that represents a Toolbar object.

Return value




Starting with Visio 2010, the Microsoft Office Fluent user interface (UI) replaced the previous system of layered menus, toolbars, and task panes. VBA objects and members that you used to customize the user interface in previous versions of Visio are still available in Visio, but they function differently.

Constants that represent possible Position property values are listed below. They are also declared by the Visio type library in VisUIBarPosition.

Constant Value
visBarLeft 0
visBarTop 1
visBarRight 2
visBarBottom 3
visBarFloating 4
visBarPopup 5
visBarMenu 6


This example shows how to use the Position property to set the position of a custom toolbar. The example adds a custom toolbar to the Toolbars collection. The toolbar appears in the Visio user interface and is available while the document is active.

To restore the built-in toolbars in Microsoft Visio after you run this macro, call the ThisDocument.ClearCustomToolbars method.

Sub Position_Example() 
 Dim vsoUIObject As Visio.UIObject 
 Dim vsoToolbars As Visio.Toolbars 
 Dim vsoToolbar As Visio.Toolbar 
 'Check whether there are document custom toolbars. 
 If ThisDocument.CustomToolbars Is Nothing Then 
 'Check whether there are application custom toolbars. 
 If Visio.Application.CustomToolbars Is Nothing Then 
 'Use the built-in toolbars. 
 Set vsoUIObject = Visio.Application.BuiltInToolbars(0) 
 'Use the application custom toolbars. 
 Set vsoUIObject = Visio.Application.CustomToolbars.Clone 
 End If 
 'Use the document custom toolbars. 
 Set vsoUIObject = ThisDocument.CustomToolbars 
 End If 
 'Get the Toolbars collection for the drawing window context. 
 Set vsoToolbars = vsoUIObject.ToolbarSets.ItemAtID( _ 
 'Add a toolbar to the collection. 
 Set vsoToolbar = vsoToolbars.Add 
 With vsoToolbar 
 'Set the title of the toolbar. 
 .Caption = "Test" 
 'Float the toolbar at coordinates (300,200). 
 .Position = Visio.visBarFloating 
 .Left = 300 
 .Top = 200 
 'Disallow docking the new toolbar. 
 .Protection = Visio.visBarNoHorizontalDock _ 
 + Visio.visBarNoVerticalDock 
 End With 
 'Use the new UIObject object while 
 'this document is active. 
 ThisDocument.SetCustomToolbars vsoUIObject 
End Sub

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