IShape Members

Provides the necessary interface to define a Shape. Both primitive and composite shapes need to match this interface, although they might derive from different types of FrameworkElement.

The following tables list the members exposed by the IShape type.

Public Properties

  Name Description
public property Fill Gets or sets the Brush that specifies how to paint the interior of the shape.
public property GeometryMargin Gets the margin between logical bounds and actual geometry bounds. This can be either positive (as in Arc) or negative (as in Callout).
public property RenderedGeometry Gets the rendered geometry presented by the rendering engine.
public property Stretch Gets or sets a Stretch enumeration value that describes how the shape fills its allocated space.
public property Stroke Gets or sets the Brush that specifies how the Shape outline is painted.
public property StrokeThickness Gets or sets the width of the Shape stroke outline.


Public Methods

  Name Description
public method InvalidateGeometry Invalidates the geometry for a IShape. After the invalidation, the IShape will recompute the geometry, which will occur asynchronously.


Public Events

  Name Description
public event RenderedGeometryChanged Occurs when RenderedGeometry is changed.


See Also


IShape Interface
Microsoft.Expression.Media Namespace