1.3.2 Firewall and Advanced Security Extension Encoding Overview

Firewall and Advanced Security policies are configurable from a GPO through the Group Policy: Firewall and Advanced Security Data Structure. The Firewall and Advanced Security component has complex settings not expressible through administrative templates and for this reason it implements a custom UI that can author registry policy files containing the encodings of the settings described in this document. Because the Firewall and Advanced Security policies are applied to the whole machine, the Group Policy: Firewall and Advanced Security Data Structure protocol uses the Computer Policy Mode specified in [MS-GPREG] section 1.3.2.

This protocol provides mechanisms both for Group Policy administrators to deploy policies and for clients to obtain the applicable policies to enforce them. Thus, the protocol consists of two components: an administrative plug-in and a client.

The Group Policy: Firewall and Advanced Security Data Structure administrative plug-in is invoked by an administrative tool. It is responsible for loading and updating the Firewall and Advanced Security settings contained within a specified GPO. It understands how to translate these settings to and from the encodings described in section 2.2.

The Group Policy: Firewall and Advanced Security Data Structure client is responsible for applying the Firewall and Advanced Security settings configured through Group Policy to the local Firewall and Advanced Security Protocol server. Group Policy: Firewall and Advanced Security Data Structure does not implement its own Client-Side Extension as defined in [MS-GPOL] section; instead, it relies on the Group Policy: Registry Extension Encoding Client-Side Extension. Thus, the processing of Firewall and Advanced Security policies on the client computer is divided into two distinct stages. First, the Group Policy: Registry Extension Encoding client plug-in copies the settings from the GPO to the registry, and then the Group Policy: Firewall and Advanced Security Data Structure client reads the settings from the registry and applies them to the local Firewall and Advanced Security Protocol server.

The application of Firewall and Advanced Security policies is done as follows:

  1. An administrator invokes a Group Policy Protocol Administrative Tool, as specified in [MS-GPOL] section, on the administrator's computer in order to administer the Firewall and Advanced Security settings of a GPO.

  2. The administrative tool invokes the Group Policy: Firewall and Advanced Security Data Structure administrative plug-in to load the current policy settings. The administrative plug-in loads the settings through the Group Policy: Registry Extension Encoding administrative plug-in by invoking the Load Policy Settings event, as specified in [MS-GPREG] section

  3. The administrative tool displays these policy settings to the administrator in a custom UI, which enables the administrator to make changes if needed.

  4. If the administrator makes any changes to the policy settings, the administrative tool invokes the Group Policy: Firewall and Advanced Security Data Structure administrative plug-in to update the settings in the GPO. The administrative plug-in updates the settings through the Group Policy: Registry Extension Encoding administrative plug-in by invoking the Update Policy Settings event, as specified in [MS-GPREG] section During the processing of this event, the Group Policy: Registry Extension Encoding's CSE GUID is written to the GPO. After updating the settings, the administrative plug-in uses Group Policy: Core Protocol to update the version number associated with the GPO by invoking the Group Policy Extension Update event, as specified in [MS-GPOL] section

  5. A client computer affected by that GPO is started (or is connected to the network, if this happens after the client starts), and Group Policy: Core Protocol is invoked by the client to retrieve Policy Settings from the Group Policy server. As part of the processing of Group Policy: Core Protocol, the Group Policy: Registry Extension Encoding's CSE GUID is read from this GPO, and this instructs the client to invoke a Group Policy: Registry Extension Encoding client plug-in component for Policy Application.

  6. In processing the Policy Application portion of Group Policy: Registry Extension Encoding, the client parses the settings and then saves the settings in the registry. The Firewall and Advanced Security policies are stored under the Software\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsFirewall\ registry key.

  7. After all Client-Side Extensions (including the Group Policy: Registry Extension Encoding client plug-in) have completed processing, Group Policy: Core Protocol signals the Policy Application event, as specified in [MS-GPOL] section, to notify the Group Policy: Firewall and Advanced Security Data Structure client.

  8. The Group Policy: Firewall and Advanced Security Data Structure client parses the Firewall and Advanced Security settings from the Software\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsFirewall\ registry key. The client then passes these settings to the Group Policy: Firewall and Advanced Security Data Structure server for enforcement by invoking the SetGroupPolicyRSoPStore abstract interface, as specified in [MS-FASP] section