Calling IDL_DRSAddSidHistory with 0 in Flags

The user "Kim Akers" has an account in domain DC=contoso, DC=com with a Windows NT 4.0 operating system account name "CONTOSO\kimakers". The user has another account in a separate forest in domain DC=legacycontoso,DC=com with a Windows NT 4.0 account name "LEGACYCONTOSO\kimakers1". The domain administrator wants to add the SID of "LEGACYCONTOSO\Kimakers1" account to the sIDHistory of "CONTOSO\kimakers". The administrator's account name in the LEGACYCONTOSO domain is LegacyContosoAdmin with password Passw0rd123. LEGACYCONTOSO is the NetBIOS name for the LEGACYCONTOSO.com domain.