Publishing an Updated Version of an Application (Method 2-Manual Process)

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To create client business applications using current Microsoft technologies, see patterns & practices' Prism.

This topic explains how to publish an updated version in which the only change is the addition of some new modules.


Before you can complete the steps in this topic, you must perform the following tasks:


To manually publish a new version of an application to the deployment server, you will perform the following steps:

  1. Create a copy of the deployed version’s Application Files folder, and then copy the new modules into the new folder.
  2. Use Mage to update the version and application files list in the application manifest.
  3. Use Mage to update the version and application reference in the deployment manifest.

The following procedures explain these steps in detail.

Step 1: Create a Copy of the Application Files Folder

To create a copy of the previous application files folder in the local publish folder

  1. In Windows Explorer, open the local folder used to stage deployments (C:\_Publish\SCSF).
  2. Create a folder called Application Files if there isn’t one there already.
  3. In the Application Files folder, create a folder for the new version (GlobalBank.Shell_1_1_0_0).
  4. Open the Application Files folder on the Web server where the application is deployed and go to the versioned folder that holds the version that you want to update. (C:\inetpub\wwwroot\GlobalBank\Application Files\GlobalBank.Shell_1_0_0_0).
  5. Select all the files, right-click, and select Copy.
  6. Paste the files into the new versioned folder that you created in the local Publish folder. (C:\_Publish\SCSF\Application Files\GlobalBank.Shell_1_1_0_0).
  7. Move the deployment manifest (GlobalBank.Shell.application) from this folder to the root folder (C:\_Publish_SCSF).
  8. Copy the following two files from the build output folder for the Bank Branch Workbench solution (\ReferenceImpl\bin\Release) into the new versioned folder (C:\_Publish\SCSF\Application Files\GlobalBank.Shell_1_1_0_0):
    • GlobalBank.CreditCardAccounts.Interface.dll
    • GlobalBank.CreditCardAccounts.Module.dll

Step 2: Update the Application Manifest

To update the application manifest

  1. Run the MageUI tool (open a Visual Studio 2010 Command Prompt window, and then type mageUI).

  2. On the File menu, click Open.

  3. Browse to the new version's subfolder in the Publish folder (C:\_Publish\SCSF\Application Files\GlobalBank.Shell_1_1_0_0), and then select the new version's application manifest (GlobalBank.Shell.exe.manifest).

  4. In the Version box, type (See Figure 1.)


    Figure 1

    Setting the new version in the deployment manifest

  5. In the left pane, click Files.

  6. In the right pane, click Populate (see Figure 2).


    Figure 2

    Populating the file list

  7. When the warning message about renaming files appears, click OK. (See Figure 3.)


    Figure 3

    Prompt about renaming files

  8. On the File menu, click Save. The Signing Options dialog box will appear (see Figure 4).


    Figure 4

    Signing Options dialog box

  9. If you created your own certificate and added it to the Signing page in Visual Studio, you can select Sign with stored certificate, and then select your certificate. Otherwise, click the ellipsis button (...) next to the File box, and then select the certificate file (.pfx) you specified for signing in Visual Studio. This file will be in \ReferenceImpl \Source\Infrastructure\Shell\.

  10. Click OK to save and sign the manifest.

Step 3: Update the Deployment Manifest

To update the deployment manifest

  1. On the MageUI toolbar, click Open.

  2. Browse to the Publish folder (C:\_Publish\SCSF\), select GlobalBank.Shell.application, and then click Open (see Figure 5).


    Figure 5

    Selecting the deployment manifest

  3. In the Version box, type

  4. In the left pane, click Application Reference.

  5. In the right panel, click Select Manifest, and navigate to the GlobalBank.Shell_1_1_0_0 folder (Publish\ Application Files\GlobalBank.Shell_1_1_0_0).

  6. Select GlobalBank.Shell.exe.manifest, and click Open (see Figure 6).


    Figure 6

    Selecting the deployment manifest.

  7. In the main MageUI window, click Save.

  8. Select the same publisher certificate (.pfx) file that you selected when you updated the application manifest.

  9. In the Signing Options dialog box, click OK.

  10. Close Mage.

  11. Open the Publish folder in Windows Explorer, and copy the default deployment manifest (GlobalBank.Shell.application) from the root (C:\_Publish\SCSF) to the new versioned folder (C:\_Publish\SCSF\ApplicationFiles\GlobalBank.Shell_1_1_0_0).

  12. Copy the versioned folder to the Application Files folder on the Web server (see Figure◦7).


    Figure 7

    Web server version folders for the GlobalBank application

  13. Copy the default deployment manifest from C:\_Publish\SCSF to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\GlobalBank (see Figure 8).


    Figure 8

    Web server root folder for deployment


You have a new version of the application published to the deployment server. The default deployment manifest (GlobalBank.Shell.application) has been updated to point to that version, and the new files have been added to that version's application manifest. The new version is ready to be deployed and the client application will detect it automatically the next time that the user launches the application.