Create a New Course Use Case

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Users create new courses by selecting Add New Item on the Training Management SharePoint Web site. They are directed to a form that requires the following information:

  • A course title
  • An eight-character course code
  • A course description
  • An enrollment deadline
  • The course's start date
  • The course's end date
  • The cost of the course
  • The difficulty level of the course

Figure 1 illustrates the form.


Figure 1
Create a course entry form

After filling out the form, the user submits it by clicking OK. The application applies the appropriate business rules to validate the user input. If valid, a new course is created by adding it to the training course repository, which is a higher-level abstraction of the Training Course SharePoint list. For information about this list, see The Training Course List.

After the course is created, it appears on the training dashboard page of the Training Management application with information from the form. Figure 2 illustrates the new entry.


Figure 2
New course entry

The column headings, such as Title and Code, are fields that are defined in a SharePoint content type named TrainingCourseContentType. For more information, see The Training Course Content Type.

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This content is outdated and is no longer being maintained. It is provided as a courtesy for individuals who are still using these technologies. This page may contain URLs that were valid when originally published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

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