The ESB Itinerary Component

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The ESB Itinerary** **component plays a major part in the operation of the ESB Guidance. Any messages arriving in an ESB application must pass through this component so that it can set the context properties from the SOAP header sent along with the message to an ESB itinerary on-ramp.


Installing the ESB Core automatically installs the Itinerary class in the pipeline components folder. To install the Itinerary component for design-time use, see the instructions about how to add the components to the Visual Studio Toolbox palette in the topic Installing Services and Components.

How It Works

The ESB Itinerary component is a BizTalk pipeline component that can reside only in a receive pipeline. It promotes values from either SOAP message headers or component settings into the message context as properties. You can find an example of promoting SOAP headers in the Itinerary On-Ramp Web services provided with the Microsoft ESB Guidance. These Web services exposes SOAP headers as part of their contracts, and client applications must set the headers. As the message passes through the component in a receive pipeline, the component reads the SOAP header values and promotes (writes) them to the message context properties

Using the ESB Itinerary Component

You can add the ESB Itinerary component to a receive pipeline and then use the pipeline as a receive location. The component automatically promotes SOAP header values or component settings into the context properties of the incoming message.

For an example of how to use this component, see Installing and Running the Itinerary On-Ramp Sample.