Performing the Activities

Retired Content

The Web Service Software Factory is now maintained by the community and can be found on the Service Factory site.

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Retired: November 2011

The Models in the Service Factory

The Service Factory: Modeling Edition provides models and graphical designers that you use to create all or parts of a Web-service—enabled solution that follows best practice, uses appropriate design patterns, and supports WCF and ASMX Web services technologies. The following three models are included:

  • Service Contract Model. You can use this model's designer to define service contracts, operations, and messages. It also provides the features required to generate the code for the Web service interface and the service implementation, including service methods (operations) and the messages these methods send and receive.
  • Data Contract Model. You can use this model's designer to define the reusable data types and fault contracts used by the services. It also provides the features required to generate the code for the primitive and complex data types used in the Web service messages.
  • Host Model. You can use this model to define service endpoints and consumers. It supports the Visual Studio .NET Web project and the IIS Web application. It can be extended with other types of bindings and WCF self-hosting scenarios. It also provides the features required to generate the code and configuration for the host application, service endpoints, and client proxies.

Figure 1 shows the wizard the Service Factory: Modeling Edition uses to create the three kinds of models.


Figure 1
The three kinds of models in the Service Factory: Modeling Edition

The XML Namespace value represents the default namespace for the model being created and will be applied as the default namespace to any shape subsequently added to the model.

For the activities that you can perform on each model, see the following sections: