Windows Mobile Widget Manifest File


The Windows Mobile Widget manifest is an XML file that contains metadata about the widget. Each Windows Mobile widget package must include a manifest.


The widget manifest file must be named “config.xml”.

Sample Manifest

This example illustrates the data and structure of a valid widget manifest.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<widget xmlns=""
  <description>Windows Mobile widget sample.</description>
  <author href=""
          img="author_logo.png" />Microsoft
  <license>license information</license>
  <content src="widget_main.html" type="text/html"/>
  <icon src="logo.png">

Manifest Elements

xml Declaration

Required. The XML declaration defines the XML version and the character encoding used in the document.

Attribute Description


Required. The expected value is 1.0.


Required. The expected value is UTF-8.

widget Element

Required. This is the root element of the document. Its child elements define the properties of the widget.

Attribute Description


Required. This value must be the W3C widgets namespace:


Optional. A string that uniquely identifies each widget. If this attribute is used, its value must be a URL. For example,


Optional. A string describing the widget’s role on the system. The value can be "window", "fullscreen", or "default". If the attribute is not provided, the value is assumed to be "default". This attribute is not used in the current release.


Optional. A string specifying the widget’s version. The W3C widget specification does not enforce a format for the version string, but to take advantage of the upgrade experience for Windows Mobile Widgets, this value should use the format, where each of the values must contain between 1 and 4 digits with the values of 0 through 9. For example, "".

name Element

Optional. The contents of this element is a user-friendly name for the widget. This value is displayed to the user during the install and remove experience. If this element is not provided, the filename of the widget package, without the .widget extension, is used as the widget name.

description Element

Optional. A brief description of the widget. This value is not used in the current release.

author Element

Optional. This element provides information about the author of the widget. This information can be accessed from scripts through the Windows Mobile Widget object model from within the widget.

Attribute Description


Optional. A URL to a site specified by the author.


Optional. The author’s email address.


Optional. An image associated with the widget author.

access Element

Optional. Determines whether the widget has access to the device’s network connection.

Attribute Description


Required. A boolean value specifying the widget’s access to the network. If this value is true, the widget has network access.

license Element

Optional. License information for the widget. The current release does not use this value.

icon Element

Optional. Specifies the file and dimensions of the widget’s icon. A widget manifest file may contain any number of icon elements.

Attribute Description


Required. The path to the graphic file. The current release supports the PNG, GIF, and ICO file formats.


Optional. An integer specifying the height of the icon, in pixels.


Optional. An integer specifying the width of the icon, in pixels.

Icon files may be any size and will be scaled according to the context in which they are displayed. The following table lists the icon sizes used by Windows Mobile. Providing icons with these dimensions will provide the best visual quality.

DPI Small Icons Large Icons

131 DPI



192 DPI



262 DPI

