IWpdSerializer interface (portabledevicetypes.h)

Used by the device driver to serialize IPortableDeviceValues interfaces to and from the raw data buffers used to communicate with the application.

Applications do not need to use this interface, because the data is serialized and deserialized automatically when calling the IPortableDevice::SendCommand method. (See the Windows Portable Devices (WPD) Software Development Kit (SDK) for a description of this method.)

To get this interface, call CoCreateInstance and pass in a class identifier (CLSID) of CLSID_WpdSerializer and an instance identifier (IID) of IID_IWpdSerializer.


The IWpdSerializer interface inherits from the IUnknown interface. IWpdSerializer also has these types of members:


The IWpdSerializer interface has these methods.


Serializes a submitted IPortableDeviceValues interface to an allocated byte array. The byte array returned is allocated for the caller and should be freed by the caller using CoTaskMemFree.

Deserializes a byte array to an IPortableDeviceValues interface.

Calculates the buffer size that is required to hold a serialized IPortableDeviceValues interface.

Serializes an IPortableDeviceValues interface to a caller-allocated byte array.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header portabledevicetypes.h

See also

Driver Interfaces