PrintTicket Test (PTTest2)

Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.

Type: Automated Test


The PrintTicket Test (PTTest2) is used to exercise the unmanaged PrintTicket and PrintCapabilties APIs that are part of Windows Vista.

PrintSpy is enabled for this test. For more information, please go to PrintSpy.


You can use this test to test:

  • A driver's implementation of the PrintTicket/PrintCapabilties COM callable interface: IPrintTicketProvider.

  • A driver plugin's implementation of the PrintTicket or PrintCapabilties COM callable interface: IPrintOEMPrintTicketProvider.

  • A legacy driver's PrintTicket or PrintCapabilties shim layer. You can test the PrintTicket and PrintCapablities API calls for legacy printers that do not support the IPrintTicketProvider interface.

Run Time: 2 minutes

Log File: Pttest.log

System Restart Required: No

Test Category:

Supported operating systems for Logo or Signature testing:

  • Windows 7

  • Windows Server 2008 R2

  • Windows Vista

  • Windows Server 2003

  • Windows XP



Software Requirements

The test tool requires the following software:

  • Supported operating system (see list above)

  • Software components included with the device that is being tested

Hardware Requirements

The test tool requires the following hardware:

  • Device to be tested

  • Computer that meets the minimum software requirements

  • Windows keyboard

  • Two-button pointing device

  • Color display monitor capable of at least 1024 by 768 resolution, 32-bits per pixel, 60 Hz

  • Hard drive with a minimum of 20 GB available on partition C:


  • x86

  • x64

  • Itanium

Running PrintTicket Test (PTTest2)

If you have the WDKTestSuite at the command line, the test tool will sequentially run the test cases that are mentioned in the TestSuite.xml file. For the WDKTestSuite, the test cases include calling all of the native PrintTicket and PrintCapabilities APIs sequentially with valid input parameters and expect a valid output.


Any attempt to change the system default printer while the test is running might lead to inconsistent results.

Test Assertions

Windows Logo Program: IMAGING-0023 Printer driver supports PrintTicket/PrintCapabilities



Build date: 9/14/2012