Bluetooth Remote Wake Test

Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.

Type: Automated Test


This test performs the basic validation of remote wake functionality supported by Bluetooth radio. The support for remote wake was enabled in the Windows Vista Feature Pack for Wireless and this test ensures the compliance with Bluetooth 2.1 specifications.


The test comprises of a client and server applications which runs on two separate machines. The test installs the Bluetooth HID simulator on the server machine to simulate it as a keyboard device. The client pairs with the server (keyboard) and then sends a packet to the server to simulate a key press event after 60 seconds, The client machine then goes to S3 state and waits for the key press event from server. The test passes if key press event wakes the client from S3. However, if key press event is missed by client, the timer wakes the system up after 3 minutes and the test fails. In case timer wakes the system, the test application receives PBT_APMRESUMEAUTOMATIC event. If key press event wakes the system from S3, the test application first receives PBT_APMRESUMEAUTOMATIC event and then PBT_APMRESUMESUSPEND event.

Run Time: 25 minutes

Log File: bpclient.xml and bpserver.xml

System Restart Required: No

Test Category:

Supported operating systems for Logo or Signature testing:

  • Windows Vista

  • Windows 7

Program: bpclient.exe and bpserver.exe


Software Requirements

The test tool requires the following software:

  • Supported operating system (see list above).
  • Software components included with the device that is being tested

Hardware Requirements

  • Device to be tested

  • Two computers that meets the minimum software requirements. The system that runs the client application must support S3 state and its USB controller must provide power to the Bluetooth radio in S3 state

    Remote wake capable Bluetooth radio on the machine which runs the client application

  • Windows keyboard

  • Two-button pointing device

  • Color display monitor capable of at least 1024 by 768 resolution, 32-bits per pixel, 60 Hz

  • Hard drive with a minimum of 20 GB available on partition C:


  • x86
  • x64

Running Bluetooth Remote Wake Test

<All test cases return PASS or FAIL. Review the test results in the log file for specific details about failures.

When the test completes, review the logs to see if the test passed. The client machine should take between 60 seconds and 3 minutes to wake up. The test logs should have events PBT_APMRESUMEAUTOMATIC and PBT_APMRESUMESUSPEND in that order

The test might return SKIP if...>

Command Syntax

Command option Description

bpclient.exe /?

Displays the usage information.

-s [server]

The name of server machine. This is a mandatory argument.

-c [filename]

The name of file containing the list of test cases to run.

bpserver.exe /?

Displays the usage information.

-m [k]

The mode supported by server, use "k" to simulate server as a keyboard device. This is a mandatory argument.


Code Tour

File Manifest

File Location










Build date: 9/14/2012