Avoiding Test Failures

Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.

The Microsoft Logo and Customer Service and Support (CSS) teams recommend the following guidelines to avoid logo test failures.

To avoid test failures

  • Do not change the client hardware during setup unless advised by Microsoft.

  • Make sure you complete all submissions for a client before you try to submit a different submission on the same client. Mark the client as unsafe in DTM Studio, and then uninstall the client.

  • Launch all tests that you intend to submit for a logo through the Device Console submission view.

  • From the Device Console in DTM Studio, make sure that you select your device, that the driver is loaded on the client, and that you have loaded the INF file for your submission.

  • After your tests and submissions are completed, make sure that you review the DTM submission status window or the DTM log viewer to confirm submission and test status.

  • Avoid generic VGA drivers for video and other outdated drivers. Load only the system BIOS and drivers that are recommended.

  • Do not change the AutoLogon settings on the client.

  • Do not use the Job Monitor rerun option.

  • Do not alter or change jobs in the database.

  • Do not place errata numbers in the Readme file before you obtain the errata from the Windows Hardware and Driver Central (WHDC) Web site.

  • Run Storage > Adapter and LAN (Ethernet) test submissions for Windows Server 2008 on systems with a minimum of 4 processor cores and 6 gigabytes of memory. These requirements are in addition to those related to the Dynamic Partitioning (DP) Simulator and Test that all Windows Server 2008 device driver submissions must meet.

  • Except for Para-Virtualization drivers (as defined by Logo Requirement Policy-0020), physical devices and their associated drivers being tested for Server Logo or Signature may not be tested in virtual machines using any form of virtualization. This is because not all virtualization products support the underlying functionality needed to pass the tests relating to Multiple Processor Groups, Device Power Management, Device PCI functionality, etc.

Take these proactive steps after setup to avoid unnecessary delays with your submission

  • Download the latest errata update for your controller from the Windows Quality Online Services (Winqual) Web site.

  • Clear the default Startup/Shutdown OS option on the DTM Client to reboot if there is a system failure.

    Important   If you are running the Crashdump test for storage testing, ignore this guideline.

  • Review the best practices for DTM maintenance on the Windows Hardware and Driver Central (WHDC) Web site.

  • To determine if the test failure is filtered, log on to the Winqual Web site and download the latest filter updates. The DTM Controller Job Monitor does not apply the filters to the submission or show if a test failure is currently addressed by a DTM filter. The DTM filters are only applied during the creation of a Job Submission. However, the best time to download filter updates is after all the tests have been completed and you are ready to check the results.

Tracing down the exact reason for a test failure

When reviewing test logs for the source of failures, the Complete filter view of the Log viewer is acceptable for most testing. However, for tests which log context, the ContextTree filter view will show you the name of the test and the location of the functionality tested that failed and may results in a faster diagnosis of the failure.

To successfully test drivers with multiple INFs

  • Run a complete logo test against each INF. The test should be run against every INF that is included in the driver package.

  • Submit multiple CPK files (one for each INF file).



Build date: 9/14/2012