The SENSOR_CATEGORY_BIOMETRIC category contains sensors that provide information about living beings.

Platform-defined Sensor Types

This category includes the following platform-defined sensor types.

Sensor type Meaning
SENSOR_TYPE_HUMAN_PRESENCE Sensors that detect human presence
SENSOR_TYPE_HUMAN_PROXIMITY Sensors that detect human proximity

Platform-defined Data Fields

This category includes the following platform-defined data fields.

Data type Type Meaning
SENSOR_DATA_TYPE_HUMAN_PRESENCE VT_BOOL VARIANT_TRUE when a human is using the computer.
SENSOR_DATA_TYPE_HUMAN_PROXIMITY_METERS VT_R4 Distance between a human and the computer, in meters.
SENSOR_DATA_TYPE_TOUCH_STATE VT_BOOL VARIANT_TRUE when the touch sensor is being touched, otherwise VARIANT_FALSE.


Each platform-defined biometric data type PROPERTYKEY is based on a common GUID that is named SENSOR_DATA_TYPE_BIOMETRIC_GUID. As it is a reserved base value, do not use this GUID to define your own property keys.


Minimum supported client Windows 7
Minimum supported server None supported
Version Available in Windows 7
Header Sensors.h