ISensorDriver::OnProcessWpdMessage method (sensorsclassextension.h)

The ISensorDriver::OnProcessWpdMessage method handles Windows Portable Device (WPD) commands that the ISensorClassExtension::ProcessIoControl method does not handle internally.


HRESULT OnProcessWpdMessage(
  IUnknown *pUnkPortableDeviceValuesParams,
  IUnknown *pUnkPortableDeviceValuesResults



A pointer to the IUnknown interface that supports the IPortableDeviceValues interface. The object that is associated with this IUnknown interface contains the parameters for the WPD command. For more information, see IPortableDeviceValues in Windows Portable Devices.


A pointer to the IUnknown interface that supports the IPortableDeviceValues interface. The object that is associated with this IUnknown interface stores the results for the WPD command.

Return value

If the operation succeeds, this method returns S_OK. Otherwise, this method returns one of the error codes that are defined in Winerror.h.


This method enables you to extend the WPD commands and interfaces in a device-specific way.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header sensorsclassextension.h
Library SensorsClassExtension.lib

See also
