Enhanced Storage Certificate Management Tool Command Syntax

The Enhanced Storage Certificate Management tool provides certificate management operations by using different command-line switches. Each switch defines its own set of parameters, such as volume name and certificate index.

The Enhanced Storage Certificate Management tool is run from the command line.







    /List [




Adds a certificate to the authentication silo certificate (ASC) store on a specified IEEE 1667-compliant USB storage device. For more information, see /Add Switch.

Removes all certificates from the ASC store on a specified IEEE 1667-compliant USB storage device. For more information, see /Clear Switch.

Reports on the capabilities and information about the ASC store in an IEEE 1667-compliant USB storage device. For more information, see /Debug Switch.

Exports a specified certificate from the ASC store in an IEEE 1667-compliant USB storage device to a file. This switch also supports the export of a certificate signing request (CSR) to a file.

For more information, see /Export Switch.

Displays usage information about the Enhanced Storage Certificate Management tool. The same help information can be displayed by using the /? Switch.

Initializes the ASC store in an IEEE 1667-compliant USB storage device to its original manufacturer's state. For more information, see /Initialize Switch.

Lists all the IEEE 1667-compliant USB storage devices connected to the computer. This switch can also be used to list the certificates within the ASC store in an IEEE 1667-compliant USB storage device.

For more information, see /List Switch.

Removes a specified certificate from the ASC store in an IEEE 1667-compliant USB storage device. For more information, see /Remove Switch.

Replaces a specified certificate from the ASC store in an IEEE 1667-compliant USB storage device. For more information, see /Replace Switch.


The Enhanced Storage Certificate Management tool cannot add, remove, or replace the ASC-manufacturer (ASCm) certificate from the ASC store in an IEEE 1667-compliant USB storage device. For more information about this and other IEEE 1667 certificate types, see Overview of the Enhanced Storage Certificate Management Tool.

All the switches of the Enhanced Storage Certificate Management tool must start with either a slash mark ('/') or dash ('-'). The parameters for a switch must begin with a dash character. The switches and the related parameters are case-insensitive.
